Mevr deVos
1 year ago

Mevr deVos

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Tirelessly searching for the truth in a world full of deceit

Tirelessly searching for the truth in a world full of deceit

Meet the Prime Minister of the Netherlands, the man who, after his cabinet fell (on July 7-2023) now, as a temperary 'caretaker cabinet', still pushes through as many of his laws and regulations as he can and ensures (from behind the curtain) that the formation of the new cabinet proceeds extremely slow and exactly the way he and the WEF wants it.
All in order to be able to eventually install another WEF loving cabinet and WEF-puppet as our new prime minister!

Avid reader and author! Patriot & MAGA. Truth seeker who is about all about exposing the lies! Trump best president ever!

IooP_rM311_7211 - Mr.Pool Private Channel

Listen closely to every single word.

Israel is last for a reason.

Khazarian Mafia.

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Tirelessly searching for the truth in a world full of deceit

Germany is considering using foreigners as soldiers.

Hmm, first bring in hundreds of thousands of young men as refugees and then recruit them into the army? Then you have soldiers who can also be deployed against their own population.

The European Union is also pushing to get a European Army..
Do you see what's coming?