George Linds
@PatriotGeorgeSomething you've prayed for is about to happen. Q will reveal everything.

Dorothea Dankow..
@DorotheaTNI love my Country and President Trump. He gave us the Courage and the Hope for better things for our children and gran...

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@BuyIvermectinukWe provide cheap generic medicine in the USA, UK, Australia, France and worldwide.

@Rugby369Q is my favorite letter!!!!!! I love my country, I love freedom..and I believe in spreading TRUTH!!!

Joey DarktoLigh..
@JoeyUS Army Vet FT Carson Military Comms Oregon Proud Patriot Love God and all Patriots 😊

Leslie Davis
@Ladavis1128Trump is STILL MY President! Biden will NEVER be my President! WWG1WGA!! Love my country, I'm a proud patriot!

Deborah Clarkso..
@DCDebNowI'll honor and protect Free and Truly God Given Rights, in this battle against evil.

Steven Vautrain
@Stev777proudly to defend my country as an air force i will never give up, trump for president, God be with us Amen.

@PipsqueakWife to my best friend 26 years❤️Momma to 6 kids,Grandma to 4, Army NG Momma.🙏🏻🙏🏻🇺🇸WWG1WGA,NCSWIC🇺🇸❤️🌻

Trump Girl
@DownSouthScotMichelleFamily is everything. MAGA. Dark to Light! 🥰🥰God Bless President Trump, Flotus & family.🙏🏻 🇺🇸WWG1WGA. 🇺🇸 God always ...

jeff sonnier
@pufffrmtxTrumper and patriot 4 ever. US Army veteran, Facebook and Twitter refugee, everything in the dark will come to light !!

MeanRoad ___
@MeanRoadWidower, Proud American, #MAGA #Trump #Constitution #AllLivesMatter, Don't mess with Texas! Because MURICA! That...
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