Trudy Sunday
2 years ago

Trudy Sunday

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That's why the phrase "relax and watch the show" was constantly being said. Because his presidency was just that...a huge show to keep our focus off what was really going on. Sad part is, it's not just the United States, it's every country all over the world. If we don't wake up and do something now, LIKE RIGHT NOW, we're ALL goners and we would have only ourselves to blame.

So last year we were told that all the explosions that were heard were tunnels being destroyed and/or the demolishing of sex trafficking hideaways where abducted children were taken. But alas!! They were lies, all lies!! We were fooled and lied to like kids about the tooth fairy. The explosions heard were that of bunkers being created even deeper than ones they already have. The busloads of people being taken onto buses were those who are in power, elites, extremely wealthy, etc...(you get the picture) being taken to safety. Why you ask? Because they ALL knew what was going to happen. WORLD WAR III!!! They knew we were going to war and they knew/know just how bad it will get. As much as I was a Trump supporter, I now know and realize he as well was/is part of it. I mean come on now people, WAKE UP!!! NOBODY but NOBODY becomes president of the United States unless the elites say so.

Such a short duration video, but says everything we already knew.


As I have lived here in this building for the past 5 months, I have witnessed bus loads of illegals from Mexico being brought here to live, refugees from Afghanistan too, but what made me scratch my head is this ... bus load of people from China!! ... 🤔😳😑


Just a Thought

When medical students take the final lunge towards being a doctor, they, not all, make the Hippocratic Oath. An oath stating they will not voluntarily hurt their patients, and yet even after knowing the mRNA is NOT good AT ALL for anyone there are STILL doctors pushing people to get the "jab". Seriously, where have all the strong people gone? Why have we become so weak? Why are we not uniting and telling the government "NO MORE!!!" Why have those whom are supposed to protect and defend the innocent, weak, elderly, etc become such PUSSIES?!?! Is it money? Power? Fame? NEWS FLASH... YOU CAN'T TAKE IT WITH YOU WHEN YOU GO!! Better yet, once they're in hell after purposely and knowingly letting bad things happen to millions of people, I hope and pray to God, Satan himself turns them into his own personal "play toy".

He says what We the People need to hear!!

Nothing like the feeling you get while watching the movie "The Boondock Saints"

Of COURSE there's a spike in covid cases!!! Because the assholes running our country are letting millions of immigrants come up through the southern border then TAKING them to various cities throughout the country!!! So yeah covid is gonna spread like wildfire!! Really can't get over how stupid they think we the people are 😡🤬😡🤬

Yes this was done quite a few years ago, but it still makes me wish till this day that we had more good people in high positions speaking out against the wrong and/or evil that's happening.

So now it's official that our government is making sure nobody speaks ill of the mRNA on social media. If you do, you get flagged, watched, reprimanded, then who knows what afterwards. I'm at the point, wait.... I'm beyond the point of keeping my mouth shut on something they know they're doing is wrong!! Utterly wrong! Evil to be exact. A woman that I follow on another website came out and told people that her brother is now going blind after receiving the second dose. Not only are the people running our government, other countries governments, but the world evil, I would have to say that they are in fact demons.

These are only 5 that we know of and were performed decades ago. Could you imagine what they're doing now besides just the covid crap?

Because ....... I AM!!

United States senators are now banding together to make sure that big tech will no longer have the power or authority to ban, suspend, and/or silence those who speak out and tell the truth. Twitter, Google, YouTube, and Facebook are prime examples the Senate is coming after.

So we all know that the jab people are receiving is an mRNA NOT a vaccine. So in this scenario, does mRNA stand for "might Respond Negatively Automatically"?


Black eye club huh? Well seems to me their other eye should be dotted as well!

And that's all folks!!

Guaranteed it's a tabloid magazine ... but hey, if they are even waking up to what's going on, then at least we Patriots know the job is getting done!!

It's refreshing to see there are still some CEOs who do truly care that people's posts are not censored online, however, it is sad that the amount of those CEOs are becoming less and less due to becoming weak and/or sellouts ...