Trisha Burnett
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This may be nothing, but I have been looking into my home town in AZ ever since I read it’s name on a list of cities that had a DUMB. There isn’t a military base there, so I was trying to find out where there would be be an underground tunnel. There is a beautiful Mountain there, Mount Graham, the University of AZ was hellbent on placing a telescope, Observatory there. I heard about it from all my family who still lives there, but never looked into it myself. So this Observatory was costing a lot of $$ and guess who had an investment in it?? The Vatican!!! There was a big protest and effort to stop this project due to Mount Graham being given to the Apache Indians way back when so guess who came to the rescue to actually change legislation to make this project happen, none other than good ole John McCain!! Also they knew ahead that the imagery was not always going to be very good due to the cloud and mist that gathers at the peak where this observatory sits, but still there was a BIG p
Out of Space: John McCain, Telescopes and the Desecration of Mount Graham -
We waited for a night when the moon was obscured by clouds. It sounded like a silly plan here in the heart of the Arizona desert, where Oregonians stream each year to worship the unrelenting sun. But the wait was only two days. Then the sky clouded up, just as the Apaches predicted. These weren’t ra..
A Veteran and Patriot needs our help, please consider making a donation as he has entered into hospice care.

Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon, Laurel Canyon, MK Ultra, tunnels. Why did BLM Founder just buy a house in the canyon, with a tunnel??? [archiveorg weirdscenesinsidethecanyonlaurelcanyoncovertopsthedarkheartofthehippiedream2014b width=560 height=384 frameborder=0 webkitallowfullscreen=true mozallowfullscreen=true]

I found this connection from Q#67 relevent to present. Still not understanding why Jared Kushner is not to be trusted but found this connection to a drop very interesting! From our own Andrew Torba, but why???

I've seen some posts today about Frank Sinatra and Bob Hope. I have read this MK Ultra survivor book "Thanks For The Memories" by Brice Taylor (Susan Ford) Her handler was Bob Hope, she was a Presidential model (as they called it, more like prostitute) and she was with JFK, Lyndon B Johnson, R. Reagan and others, her daughter was used for pedo Bush Sr. She was a westcoast mind control sex slave so she was involved with the celebrity crowd as well, this stuff goes way back and so much pedophilia! Bob Hope was all about getting the blackmail on everyone. It is a long book but worth the read!