Dr Tracie Lee
3 years ago

Dr Tracie Lee

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32 governors were called to Pentagon, only 26 left. All were given instructions and gag orders not to interfere with military or face immediate treason arrests

Trafficking Children

these people need to be stopped!

i watched and saved this years ago. https://youtu.be/d86DRn7T098

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CHEck out this billboard from Toresays in SC! haha! i love her! ❤️


check out this childrens book i found and bought today.

Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!

Guess who’s leading the charge for the America First Policy Institute and TakeOnBigTech.com?

None other than the wife of Vincent Kennedy McMahon...

Linda McMahon



I follow back all Patriots. Expose the truth! Question everything. I trust God and God's plan. #JesusIsMySavior

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covid is gaining strength in Oklahoma. my best friend and her family has it. She had to call an ambulance for her son (in his twenties) he has double pneumonia and in ICU. He has it the worst and was the only one that got the vax. 🙏



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The homes of Hugh Hefner, Warren Beatty, Kirk Douglas..... Underground tunnels connected. Kind of like Cosby and Epstein.

feeling like something is going on. my friend just posted for prayers for protection for her son in the military. she said no questions please just Pray!!

serious question. If a person has done their research and knows that the jab could possibly kill them now or in the near future and decides to get it. would that be considered suicide?

I'm dedicated to the cause. The children of the world need our help. We as a nation must put an end to this Travesty. WWG1WGA

just got a text from my sister in law. Her friends husband just texted her and said her friend got the vax on Wed . and died Friday. this is horrible!


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big turn out for the premiere of Juan O Savin on David Nino’s yt tonight. its on now.

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A homestead channel on youtube (in WV) said she had a gas company come out and in conversation they told her its smart to get prepared. Their COMPANY is preparing for a GRID DOWN IN AUGUST! here is a link if you want to listen.



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People magazine cover this week ❤️

Standing on a Bridge. Speaking Truths. Being God's messenger. Hopefully changing a narrative or two.

I checked with a Military contact I have, and asked a few questions regarding the 4 Blackhawk Helicopters landing on the grounds of the Capital the other day....
Remaining at 'full throttle'.

I was told that No... Military aircraft do NOT do military 'exercises' on the grounds of buildings in the DC area....

I was also told that these grounds are 'protected airspace' even for Military vehicles.

With this information, I did a bit more research.

Nope, it is something 'very strange' that happened the other day...
Yep.... it sent a 'Message' throughout the World I do believe.



Shot heard around the world??
