Terri Harris
4 years ago

Terri Harris

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When justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers.

Proverbs 21:15

Question: Why is DJT, Jr still pushing the narrative and outrage that inmates and terrorists are getting the "vaccine" before other people who "need" it. We all know the vaccine isn't a vaccine, but is the Gates Depopulation Tool. Just wondering. And I am also trying to convince as many people as possible not to get it. I get the "You're crazy" look...sigh...
Personally, I'm all for terrorists and murderers getting the jab.
Anyone else??

This is true until you are awake. Then what? It's a scary thought when you have known nothing but the brainwashing system we have been brought up in.

Flyover @ Super Bowl?


Time to pray, Patriots! Love you all! Hanging on...holding the line.

Lin Wood has a message. It's time to axt and retain our freedom! viva le revolution!