Jesse Pringle
4 years ago

Jesse Pringle

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Don Jr. & Grassley Comms! (2 Decodes)🍿

-Don Jr. tweeted out and said, “Can you imagine there’s people in America that think Joe Biden is in charge”.

In other words, Biden is NOT in charge.

Tweet timestamp 7:58pm or 1958 military time.

Q Drop 758: Sept 7, 1776.

Q Drop 1958: Includes a link to the infamous Trump video titled “This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected” (linked below, must watch).

The Drop continues to state “Part (2)”, which ties back to the YT link included, which will get Trump elected for a “2nd time”.

Trump Administration Part (2) coming soon. He will be re-elected. History will record this as the modern day version of 1776.

Link in Q Drop 1958:

-Grassley Comms: 🍿

Grassley photo on IG, “6hrs & counting as Democrats are trying to salvage their partisan package. Meanwhile I’m snacking on Iowa popcorn.”.

Q has always said, “TRUST GRASSLEY”.

The Harvest [crop] has been prepared. Hunters become the Hunted.

Don Jr. COMMS! 🍿

-Don Jr. tweet had an obvious grammatical mistake at 6:52pm which he later corrected at 8:17pm. The corrected word, “Disaster”, is the KEYWORD.

Q Drop 652: Re-Read EO’s. Put together.
Q Drop 817: Who do you think is leaking the info? Take a wild guess.

The keyword “Disaster” shows up in only 4 Q Drops.
1)Andrew Cuomo E.O.
3)Hunters Become The Hunted (re: Haiti).
4)ONLY Q Drop signed by Donald J. Trump.

*Coincidence that Cuomo’s EXECUTIVE ORDER correlates back to Don Jr’s timestamp 652 in which the drop says to re-read EO’s and put together? Coincidence that disastrous Cuomo is now in the daily news?

*Coincidence that Don Jr. keyword “Disaster” also links back to Haiti, and coincidentally, Vernon Jordan died today, who was best friends with Bill Clinton, whose foundation paid for child sex trafficking in Haiti?

*Coincidence that Don Jr. keyword “Disaster” links back to the ONLY Q DROP SIGNED BY HIS FATHER, Donald J. Trump?

The World Is

Don Jr. Comms: 🍿

2 Decodes.

-Decode 1:
Don Jr. took to Instagram and posted a pic of a dog with the caption, “Me after being an asshole all day”.

The first line in Q Drop 2945 (WE ARE Q) states “You should update your T-banner pic”...

Ted Lieu’s twitter profile banner has a dog that is identical to the dog that Don Jr. posted.

Donny Jr. trolling Pedo Lieu, Kek.

-Decode 2:
Don Jr. also posted a video on Telegram and Twitter, and the sentence started with “Buckle Up”.
Q mentioned “Buckle Up” a few times. Read all the drops.

We are at war.
Stage is Set.
Buckle Up.


Last attempt Red Pill 💊💣🔥❤️

For the intellectuals who get stuck in cognitive dissonance....

Allow me to by pass your programmed mind.

1. Imagine we the people can escape financial slavery......

With a new financial monetary system > QFS
And a new monetary system back up by metal > XRP etc.
Corrupt free
End of Swift
End of the FED
End of BTC

2. Imagine your tv and the media can not be trusted but there will be an alternative soon.....
Project Odin

3. Imagine all global corruption and fraud was organised, conspired and real.
Imagine even the term “conspiracy theorist” was invented to have you, “good citizen” push against it......

4. Imagine this fraud has been going on for centuries....we call it religion.

5. Imagine this fraud became so organised and evolved....we call it politics.
They even

They always knew

Don Jr. COMMS! 🍿

-Don Jr. tweet had an obvious grammatical mistake at 6:52pm which he later corrected at 8:17pm. The corrected word, “Disaster”, is the KEYWORD.

Q Drop 652: Re-Read EO’s. Put together.
Q Drop 817: Who do you think is leaking the info? Take a wild guess.

The keyword “Disaster” shows up in only 4 Q Drops.
1)Andrew Cuomo E.O.
3)Hunters Become The Hunted (re: Haiti)
4)ONLY Q Drop signed by Donald J. Trump.

*Coincidence that Cuomo’s EXECUTIVE ORDER correlates back to Don Jr’s timestamp 652 in which the drop says to re-read EO’s and put together? Coincidence that disastrous Cuomo is now in the daily news?

*Coincidence that Don Jr. keyword “Disaster” also links back to Haiti, and coincidentally, Vernon Jordan died today, who was best friends with Bill Clinton, whose foundation paid for child sex trafficking in Haiti?

*Coincidence that Don Jr. keyword “Disaster” links back to the ONLY Q DROP SIGNED BY HIS FATHER, Donald J. Trump?

The World Is

Still think the Cali forest fires were "natural"

Everything is not what it seems. Take the red pill and finally wake up

They hide in plain sight. Look Familliar?

They hide in plain sight. Look Familliar?

DoD and Don Jr. Comms: It is time to take back our country. TRUMP CARD COMING!🍿

-DOD Outreach tweeted out a picture of a military basketball game. Notice the 4, 10, 20 side by side, in perfect order, to spell out the initials of Donald J. Trump (A = 1, B = 2, C = 3 etc.)

One Q Drop in particular is signed by 4, 10, 20 (Trump), and it spells out:


Another Q Drop containing those initials has a message that reads, “Fire & Fury”.

Finally, Q Drop 35:
“It is time to take back our country and make America great again”.

-Don Jr. Comms:
Don Jr. added in an extra “q” in the word “actually” intentionally (drawing attention to the tweet and wants us to decode it). He also includes the term “CPR Card” in his tweet.

Don Jr. tweet timestamp 8:56.
Q Drop 1201 contains 8:56 within the posted timestamp.
This relates back

Chrildren esacping a school because they were told they were going to be vaccinated before the leave. This was the result. Don't take it. Absolute no reason to.

This just in, the board is set and moves are being made everyone#Q#5:5

DoD and Don Jr. Comms: It is time to take back our country. TRUMP CARD COMING!🍿

-DOD Outreach tweeted out a picture of a military basketball game. Notice the 4, 10, 20 side by side, in perfect order, to spell out the initials of Donald J. Trump (A = 1, B = 2, C = 3 etc.)

One Q Drop in particular is signed by 4, 10, 20 (Trump), and it spells out:


Another Q Drop containing those initials has a message that reads, “Fire & Fury”.

Finally, Q Drop 35:
“It is time to take back our country and make America great again”.

-Don Jr. Comms:
Don Jr. added in an extra “q” in the word “actually” intentionally (drawing attention to the tweet and wants us to decode it). He also includes the term “CPR Card” in his tweet.

Don Jr. tweet timestamp 8:56.
Q Drop 1201 contains 8:56 within the posted timestamp.
This relates back

OPERATION BROKEN HEARTS: 37 ‘child sex predators’ arrested in undercover human trafficking sting -

So good, they repeated more than what they even said themselves. Now that's what we call "Enough Said"

Scavino Comms! 🍿

Military is the only way. Today was a big day for military comms from President Trump and Pompeo. Now Scavino is joining the act.

Scavino new Facebook post timestamp 11:08pm.

-Q Drop 1108 points to Iran’s threat to restart nukes - Like Clockwork. You have been prepared.

News unlocks the map. The MSM reported that the US bombed facilities in Syria used by *Iran-backed militia*.

-Q Drop 2308 is interesting. It includes a YouTube link to Reagan’s "Peace through strength" phrase used in his speech, which is a phrase that suggests that military power can help preserve peace.

Scavino is blatantly sending comms that peace will be restored through military power.

Link to Q Drop 2308:

Reagan YouTube link in Q Drop 2308:

WikiPedia link to “Peace through Strength”:

POTUS just delivered a monumental State Of The Union full of trolls & comms! 🍿

Trump 4:47pm arrival, 1 hr. 7 mins late. Or 17.

Within his arrival is 4:49pm, which matches the infamous watch posted as a marker by Q.

Trump starts talking at 4:50. Remove zero = 45.

Trump started his speech with “Miss me yet” (which is a meme going around the Q community), followed by, “WE WILL WIN”.
He went straight into talking about the horrors of human trafficking.

Q said:
“Sometimes you can’t TELL the public the truth.

POTUS: “People are now seeing how bad it can be”.

OPTICS ARE VERY IMPORTANT. Vaccine is optics. Vaccine also has double meaning.

VAQ: Electronic Attack Squadron (US Navy), among others

[Vaccine = VAQscene]

POTUS: Our military has never been stronger than it is today.
POTUS: “They just lost the White House, but, it’s one of those things”.
POTUS: “Our brightest days are JUST AHEAD, and we will make America greater than it ever has b

Nothings on accident guys.

Soon everyone, Very soon

Ya, fighting for your freedom is very terrorist. So is protecting your children, loved pnes, hoping for the best of your peers. being passionate and standing up for what is right is heroic and should never be looked down upon. Remember, they want us to look worse than they are. WE ARE THE FUTURE!

Even small events are huge wins! There's always hope

This is the ALL KNOWING OWL! Owl is the symbol of wisdom and knowledge. The world is watching and my duty is to keep the front lines informed. please follow and join my quest to do the right thing and protect eachother. Theres a difference between a boss and leader. a boss MAKES coworkers do their things without question, usually leads from the back. While a leader leads by example and asks for help instead of forcing people. The difference is one ises power and the other uses Trust.

Trump announced Space Force during his speech and made it official

these people are sick and we need this out yesterday