Phat Dog
3 years ago

Phat Dog

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Ooooh, Luis! Things a getting very interesting! Thank you, brother, for all the info!

In response Dennis 369 to his Publication

Putting up with incessant BS for the past many years is about to pay off...BIGLY. The good guys have patiently allowed this global group of criminals to seal their own fates. Pure genius.

265K sealed indictments in a system that usually holds no more than 2K is about as probable as Don Drysdale hitting 270 HR's in his final season, having averaged just over 2/year in his first 13 seasons.

Big BQQMs, incoming!

In response AQ. PATRON to his Publication

These company's weren't created to make money.

Operation Mockingbird

In response Lisa Groenewoud to her Publication

Nice, Lisa!

"Watch The Water!"

build back better-bbb-666

With all global elites in the same location, is it time for the global round-up?

In response Alcyone 777 to her Publication

Are you sure it's the same boy from the Hotel? I read that the crime in question that Anthony Bourdain witnessed was in 2017, and this photo looks circa 1980's.

In response 1776 ... to his Publication

State's evaluate and determine their own election processes and outcomes WITHOUT federal interference. The DOJ has no jurisdiction in the state's internal actions. Garland's meddlesome statement indicates concern of potential findings.

In response Trumpwon 2020 to his Publication

Big Mike looks a bit surprised.

In response Dennis 369 to his Publication

People getting pissed! Gloves are off!

In response Mega Magadonian to her Publication


In response anon anon to her Publication

Thank you, Debbie. God Bless you and yours.

In response Jewel Zzzzz to her Publication

The best I've known myself in my 55 years; stronger convictions and faith than I'd ever imagined. Universal love is coming, and it is glorious.

Thank you, Luis, so true. For the past many years I'd felt alone in my logical thoughts, based on probabilities and unlikely sequences of improbable events; I'd fallen out of touch and favor with family and friends to whom I used to be close; I'd withdrawn communication with my wife, for fear of an ideological argument. But no longer. Too many of my "crazy" musings have manifested themselves for this string of improbable events to be by chance. We're taking our country and planet back; we all feel it, and it is glorious. Bless you, Brother Luis.

In response kenav 1840 to her Publication

Awesome! I'm explaining to my 13 year old son how President Trump will become the 19th, since Grant (#18) allowed our takeover by the banks, back in 1871. No presidency has been legitimate, since. He's excited for President Trump's return! BOOM, Baby!

In response Enchanted Mermaid to her Publication

Soooooooo READY! I'm feeling it!

In response Enchanted Mermaid to her Publication

Liberals say lots of stupid shit. My good friend, Warsame, an immigrant from Djibouti, loves this country and it's flag. We need to stop watching the MSM -Mockingbird Press who've been filling our heads and hearts with hatred.

That said, to those who hate our flag and our values, get the fuck out or shut the fuck up.

In response Izabel Arant to her Publication

Concisely stated!

In response MATTHEW Bissanti to his Publication

I agree. The honor to serve should be enough.

In response MATTHEW Bissanti to his Publication

I agree, Matt. The Biden Administration is in name, only. Trump gave the reins to the military (Insurrection Act of 1807, justified by EO13848) after the nonsense of 1/6. I think they're just waiting for enough of us to think, "WTF!", before they bring the pain.

Executive Orders give incredible insight into a president's thoughts, and in Trump's case, future chess moves.

In response MATTHEW Bissanti to his Publication

I like it.

In response Vee Wallace to her Publication

Yes, Veronica, and those same freedom loving Chinese have been ignored by our media who, 32 years ago, celebrated their bravery and compared it to America's fight against British tyranny.

In response Robby Ball to his Publication

You nailed it Robby! A Chess master doesn't throw his hands up at the last minute and start playing checkers. Many of Trump's EO's were chess moves to be played now; specifically:

EO 13818- Blocking the Property of Persons involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption,

EO 13825- 2018 Amendments to the Manual of Courts-Martial, United States, and,

EO 13848- Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election.

It's going to be a hot summer! 🐸🍿🐸

In response Mrs. Foster to her Publication

Wouldn't be much of an interview, but it probably wouldn't happen. Lightfoot would claim that Owens' politics have redefined her as, socio-racially ,"trans-white" and, therefore, ineligible for an interview.

In response Mrs. Foster to her Publication

BOOM! That would be the END of the Democrats!

In response Patriot Girl to her Publication

Maddening, isn't it? My family, as well, has been drinking the Kool-Aid for TOO long. Sadly, we haven't talked about much other than our kids and the weather for 5 years, or so.

In response Cody Newman to his Publication

Is the Senate looking into Pizzagate?

In response Vee Wallace to her Publication

C'est magnifique! I don't speak French, but it seems to fit! 🐸🍿

In response Back to the Future to his Publication

Agreed. Still clearing thousands of miles of tunnel.

In response Jim Jim to his Publication

🐸🍿 Probably just another coincidence.

In response Lighthouse 1699 to her Publication


In response Patriot AztekJade to her Publication
