Sandye Lion
3 years ago

Sandye Lion

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When you have the truth on your back; You have the wind at your sails!! The Best Is Yet To Come - #KEEPUSAGREATDJT

When you have the truth on your back; You have the wind at your sails!! The Best Is Yet To Come - #KEEPUSAGREATDJT

No specific location. Worldwide just end it What are they going to do when we all stand and say F@@k it?!?

When you have the truth on your back; You have the wind at your sails!! The Best Is Yet To Come - #KEEPUSAGREATDJT

When you have the truth on your back; You have the wind at your sails!! The Best Is Yet To Come - #KEEPUSAGREATDJT

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Ready for life-changing results? Start with a selfie and quiz to get an AI-powered skin analysis + personalized skincare routine.

When you have the truth on your back; You have the wind at your sails!! The Best Is Yet To Come - #KEEPUSAGREATDJT

Former President Bill Clinton has been admitted to the University of California Irvine Medical Center for a non-Covid-related infection. He is “on the mend” and “in good spirits,” according to a statement from Clinton spokesman Angel Urena.

Put him on Remdesivir, STAT!!

When you have the truth on your back; You have the wind at your sails!! The Best Is Yet To Come - #KEEPUSAGREATDJT

China bought this one for 1.5 billion!!!

When you have the truth on your back; You have the wind at your sails!! The Best Is Yet To Come - #KEEPUSAGREATDJT

When you have the truth on your back; You have the wind at your sails!! The Best Is Yet To Come - #KEEPUSAGREATDJT

The global elites, the celebrities, the high ranking politicians - all use HCQ and Ivermectin to treat themselves and their families when they catch Covid.

But these same elites have their paid lackeys in the media demonise treatments these treatments. For if the truth was told about HCQ & Ivermectin, these same elites wouldn’t have been able to make billions selling the vaccines.

And they rely on ‘useful idiots’ (whom farcically think are intellectually superior) to parrot the anti-Ivermectin and anti-HCQ propaganda. (And haven’t we got so many useful idiots in California - The US)

Then cowardly politicians ban low cost HCQ and Ivermectin, claiming the treatments are ‘’dangerous’’ - while they give billions to Big Pharma to buy experimental genetic agents which have no long term safety data - and then force people to be injected.

ITS THE GREATEST SCANDAL OF ALL TIME - the public are being played for fools.

When you have the truth on your back; You have the wind at your sails!! The Best Is Yet To Come - #KEEPUSAGREATDJT

Stop flying. Stop going to Disney. Stop working for a someone who believes in medical tyranny. They need us more than we need them. Stop sending your children to indoctrination centers. Stop buying from these companies. That is an absolute fact! All we need to do is refuse and stop participating in their corrupt system.

When you have the truth on your back; You have the wind at your sails!! The Best Is Yet To Come - #KEEPUSAGREATDJT

When you have the truth on your back; You have the wind at your sails!! The Best Is Yet To Come - #KEEPUSAGREATDJT

Got a Credit Card that goes towards Air Miles? Mine is going for a deep dive into the trash - they don't get my $$$

When you have the truth on your back; You have the wind at your sails!! The Best Is Yet To Come - #KEEPUSAGREATDJT

We have the majority! We will not stand for allowing the crooks and liars of the Marxist Demencrap Leftifascist Racist Radical Party and their RINO coconspirators to succeed! ✊✊✊✊✊✊🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸👎👎👎👎👎🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

When you have the truth on your back; You have the wind at your sails!! The Best Is Yet To Come - #KEEPUSAGREATDJT

I remember watching a Hillary Clinton speech one day and I was floored when she said "Parents must turn thier parental rights over to the State" was the Hillary crowd in shock ? no they applauded.
I remember also a time Hillary was asked by a reporter " if your elected how many muslims will you bring here" her answere was "twice as many as Obama" were her supporters in agreement ? they applauded.
Now we have Obama's 3rd term a coup took place against Trump Biden/Obama were put in place.

Let's fight to get Trump back in his rightful place, let's do this !

When you have the truth on your back; You have the wind at your sails!! The Best Is Yet To Come - #KEEPUSAGREATDJT

Have you heard of this event?? See the red underlinned wording below. Sounds quite dangerous, No?

When you have the truth on your back; You have the wind at your sails!! The Best Is Yet To Come - #KEEPUSAGREATDJT

There is no denying this... think about it and compare to sleepy vacationing again joe.


At Least one Leftist is asking the right questions America

Maher: ‘How Are We Going to Build Back Better if We Have No Workers and No Supplies?’

When you have the truth on your back; You have the wind at your sails!! The Best Is Yet To Come - #KEEPUSAGREATDJT

Immigration World Poverty and Gumballs 2010 - Immigration Doesn't Work - YouTube

Presented by author/journalist: Roy Beck - Numbers USA .Global humanitarian reasons for current U.S. immigration are tested in . Global humanitarian reasons ...

When you have the truth on your back; You have the wind at your sails!! The Best Is Yet To Come - #KEEPUSAGREATDJT

It’s a virus so deadly you need to test to see if you have it,
And a pandemic so serious that hospitals are willing to fire hundreds of thousands of nurses during it,
And a vaccine that is so effective that it doesn’t work unless everyone takes it??? 😉
-@LauraMatsue - Twitter

Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!

Never forget: You’re an American.

You have special gifts from God.

I know God is no respector of persons.

But... you are in the land that He blessed to be His land. The land of Liberty.

That is special. You are in the top .0000000001% of the entire population of souls since Adam & Eve. This is powerful stuff.

When times are tough, understand YOU ARE AN AMERICAN.

Americans never quit.

Americans never give up.

Americans never give in.

Land of the free.

Home of the brave.

Because of YOU!


Never forget it!


When you have the truth on your back; You have the wind at your sails!! The Best Is Yet To Come - #KEEPUSAGREATDJT

Our Lady- "The enemies of your God have infiltrated into the systems of the world, the political systems, and also the lives, the homes of mankind. You now, this is roaming throughout your cities; he is roaming throughout your states, making new covens of iniquity. He is seducing your children unknown to parents. He has entered into the schools; he is teaching the occult. He is bringing satan, the knowledge of the supernatural, but only from hell!
Recognize, O parents, and teach your children that these miracles he performs are false miracles from satan! Teach your children to beware of the occult practices now being dabbed into your school curriculums. It is evil; it has been placed there by satan. "Do not scoff and laugh at these words and the words of My Mother; they are words in fact and truth. It has been told in the past, through generations of time, that this man of perdition would enter upon your world, and he is here! Because you have given yourselves over to evilness, corrup

When you have the truth on your back; You have the wind at your sails!! The Best Is Yet To Come - #KEEPUSAGREATDJT

Great video!!! They are using the public as guinea pigs. Everyone needs to do what they feel is best for their selves and not be forced especially by a corrupt government.

From Slaves To Guinea Pigs - YouTube

Why the dark history of Black America justifies our vaccine hesitancy. Help us fight back ➡️:

When you have the truth on your back; You have the wind at your sails!! The Best Is Yet To Come - #KEEPUSAGREATDJT

"O My children of the United States, do you not understand what is ahead for you? Your country, the United States, has not known what it is to suffer through destructive forces. My children, you shall not escape the destruction that the Bear of communism has set upon many countries in Europe and the world. You cannot compromise your Faith to save what there is left, for everything upon earth shall fall as rubble with the Chastisement. A ball of fire, a chastisement, a baptism of fire, is heading for mankind. Can you not understand?" - Our Lady of the Roses, November 20, 1978

When you have the truth on your back; You have the wind at your sails!! The Best Is Yet To Come - #KEEPUSAGREATDJT

When you have the truth on your back; You have the wind at your sails!! The Best Is Yet To Come - #KEEPUSAGREATDJT

Are we surprised to learn a mobile and apparently “self aware” organism has been seen under the microscope - sample from the Moderna vaccine?

Dr Carrie Madej discusses her findings with Stew Peters:

When you have the truth on your back; You have the wind at your sails!! The Best Is Yet To Come - #KEEPUSAGREATDJT


Published :August 31, 2021•Updated :September 30, 2021

Many of these substances were observed as being bonded to graphene oxide and metallic nanoparticles. GO nanoparticles are necrotic, able to pass into or through physiological barriers including (but not limited to) the blood-air barrier, the blood-testis barrier, the blood-brain barrier, and the blood-placenta barrier. Over a period of several months after intramuscular injection, as much as 75% of the GO nanoparticle “delivery platform”, and most of the substances listed below, are transported extensively throughout the bodies of mammals, into the blood, brain and other organs. Some of the many toxic effects of graphene oxide are myocarditis and blood clotting. Contamination in vaccines appears to be so common that one might be forgiven for thinking that it is deliberate.

When you have the truth on your back; You have the wind at your sails!! The Best Is Yet To Come - #KEEPUSAGREATDJT

Are they fast tracking our beautiful and giving country into Communism? Well, the Biden administration once again ignores another crisis as upward of 100 ships now float outside of Los Angeles. Small business will again face going out of business.

When you have the truth on your back; You have the wind at your sails!! The Best Is Yet To Come - #KEEPUSAGREATDJT

When you have the truth on your back; You have the wind at your sails!! The Best Is Yet To Come - #KEEPUSAGREATDJT

A message to Pedophile Colbert and his fellow drag queens: If a person has not taken the experimental Covid shot (it's not a vaccine) at this point, they are NOT going to take it. To put it in terms Colbert and his fellow Democrat "males" will understand: if one has not tried sodomy at this point, they are NOT going to try it.

All forms of Media that LIE to us and spread SICKENING DEGENERACY are OWNED and Run by the SAME Ethnic-Mafia which
- OWNS and Runs Big-Tech that SILENCES THOSE WHO SPEAK THE TRUTH, which also
- OWNS and Runs Big-Pharma which is MURDERING US BY VAXX.

This ethnic-group hates us, wants us ALL Dead, and are exterminating us. It's really that simple. It is consistent with EVERYTHING they do using Every Single Institution/Corporation/Govt-Agency they control.

There are no exceptions. Find an example of ANYTHING they own/run which is working for the best-interests of "White" people.

The Vax-Scene - The Box Set - YouTube

From humble beginnings on "A" Late Show to a glorious conclusion on "The" Late Show, we hope you will enjoy this romp through every single frame of Stephen C...

When you have the truth on your back; You have the wind at your sails!! The Best Is Yet To Come - #KEEPUSAGREATDJT

SMALLPOX AND BIOLOGICAL WARFARE Are the same as Covid-19 and the supposed vaccine.

The concept of using variola virus in warfare is an old one. British colonial commanders distributed blankets from smallpox victims among Native Americans as a biological weapon. During the American Civil War, they used also smallpox as a biological weapon.

While the Corona virus has an estimated mortality rate of less than one percent,

smallpox carried off 43 per cent of its victims in one of its last outbreaks in India in 1960. Over the centuries, Europeans typically suffered between 10 and 17 per cent mortality during bouts with the disease, the lethality of smallpox was off the charts.

THE BIOWEAPON WE CALL COVID-19, like smallpox, shaped the fate of war as much as any bullets, blades or bayonets.

Wuhan is where the modern day virus was created in order to convince/ or force victims to accept the true bioweapon...the vaccine.

The vaccine was created with a synthetic Spike Protein..

When you have the truth on your back; You have the wind at your sails!! The Best Is Yet To Come - #KEEPUSAGREATDJT

We are living a surreal play. — Biden on a stage..

When you have the truth on your back; You have the wind at your sails!! The Best Is Yet To Come - #KEEPUSAGREATDJT

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