Renee Johnson
23 hours ago

Renee Johnson

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Child of God, Farm girl, animal lover, Mom, Nana, Don't make me use my Mom voice! The righteous are as bold as a lion!

Child of God, Farm girl, animal lover, Mom, Nana, Don't make me use my Mom voice! The righteous are as bold as a lion!

Don't fall for the bird flu nonsense

Child of God, Farm girl, animal lover, Mom, Nana, Don't make me use my Mom voice! The righteous are as bold as a lion!

God is a giver and this month on the Hebrew calendar (SIVAN) is a month of provision. Trust Him to supply your needs.

Child of God, Farm girl, animal lover, Mom, Nana, Don't make me use my Mom voice! The righteous are as bold as a lion!

Welcome to the New Biblical Month of
S I V A N- Thurs Night June 6 - Sat Night
July 6 2024 The Lord is an extravagant giver
and loves when we receive from Him! God's true nature is an extravagant giver. 🎁 It's the goodness of God that leads men to repentance.

Child of God, Farm girl, animal lover, Mom, Nana, Don't make me use my Mom voice! The righteous are as bold as a lion!

Sivan is the month of Supernatural Provision both Spiritually and Physically. It is a picture of a two-hump camel. In the Bible Camels represent provision. On the sixth day of Sivan God gave Israel through Moses the Ten Commandments on Mt. Sinai. The first hump of the camel is the giving of the law & the 2nd Hump is the feast of Pentecost.

Child of God, Farm girl, animal lover, Mom, Nana, Don't make me use my Mom voice! The righteous are as bold as a lion!

Child of God, Farm girl, animal lover, Mom, Nana, Don't make me use my Mom voice! The righteous are as bold as a lion!

Amanda Grace just did a teaching about how Trump is a type of Joseph & just like him he was unjustly accused & will be put in jail for a time but this is the year of the open door and like the prison doors opened for Joseph they will for Trump.

Child of God, Farm girl, animal lover, Mom, Nana, Don't make me use my Mom voice! The righteous are as bold as a lion!

Child of God, Farm girl, animal lover, Mom, Nana, Don't make me use my Mom voice! The righteous are as bold as a lion!

Kim Clement March 10th, 2011 - A new party
"He's chastising at this very moment in order to set things straight because there is an administration that is going to come forth, there's a new party that is going to come forth, an administration and a ruler that is going to rule with righteousness and there are going to be people that come forth and they're going to say, 'What has happened to this nation? It's gone from one extreme to the other.'
That's right, and I'm not talking about radical Christianity in the White House. I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about righteous ruling and reigning, and that's about to come upon us."

Child of God, Farm girl, animal lover, Mom, Nana, Don't make me use my Mom voice! The righteous are as bold as a lion!

President Trump now has a TikTok account!

I guess They're not shutting down TikTok!😂

Child of God, Farm girl, animal lover, Mom, Nana, Don't make me use my Mom voice! The righteous are as bold as a lion!

Kim Clement ~ December 31st, 2014

I shall deal with corrupt leaders, even in the United States of America and there shall be shining lights that will come from a people that will say "we are dissatisfied with Republicans, and we are dissatisfied with Democrats." There is a new party that has arisen and shall come forth and capture the hearts of the young people, says the Lord

Child of God, Farm girl, animal lover, Mom, Nana, Don't make me use my Mom voice! The righteous are as bold as a lion!

“You will have at your helm for two terms a president who will pray, but he will not be a praying president when he starts. I will put him in office, and then I will baptize him with the Holy Spirit and MY power, says the Lord” - Kim Clement, 2007

Child of God, Farm girl, animal lover, Mom, Nana, Don't make me use my Mom voice! The righteous are as bold as a lion!

The BIBLE is the KEY

Child of God, Farm girl, animal lover, Mom, Nana, Don't make me use my Mom voice! The righteous are as bold as a lion!

Trump said, "Which I'm supposed to go to jail for 187 years for."
👀 Supposedly each of the 34 charges carries up to 4 years that's a max 136 years. Seems like he's sending comms. 187 is code for murder/homicide. there’s quite a number of high profile people who are guilty of 187, yet to be charged.
24 hrs ago, many of these high profile people were basically untouchable from justice. As of yesterday, it’s game on. 34 & 187 Q drops 👇 also there's this , 187 divided by 34 = 5.5 . 1+8+7=16
Drop 16. 187 years ago was 1837, the panic when banks failed

Child of God, Farm girl, animal lover, Mom, Nana, Don't make me use my Mom voice! The righteous are as bold as a lion!

Child of God, Farm girl, animal lover, Mom, Nana, Don't make me use my Mom voice! The righteous are as bold as a lion!

Child of God, Farm girl, animal lover, Mom, Nana, Don't make me use my Mom voice! The righteous are as bold as a lion!

Trump won't be taken into custody; or go to Rykers, even if he's slapped with a prison term. He'll be free on BAIL PENDING APPEAL. Sentencing won't be enforced until all NY appeals are exhausted -- well past the election !

Child of God, Farm girl, animal lover, Mom, Nana, Don't make me use my Mom voice! The righteous are as bold as a lion!

Trump will be fine. This verdict sets a precedence for the other past President's who really are criminals. Trump is the master player of 5d chess. Not to worry but pray instead.

Child of God, Farm girl, animal lover, Mom, Nana, Don't make me use my Mom voice! The righteous are as bold as a lion!

All is not as it seems.
Be slow to react, even slower to conclude.
Observe, evaluate, analyze. Reflect.
You are living through one of the greatest moments in American[world] history.

Child of God, Farm girl, animal lover, Mom, Nana, Don't make me use my Mom voice! The righteous are as bold as a lion!

If yesterday rattled your cage, then you are not ready for the next 6 months! I suggest you get it together and get back in the fight! Dig your heels in and cling to the Rock! Matt 7:24-27
Yesterday was not a set back, it was a set up!

Child of God, Farm girl, animal lover, Mom, Nana, Don't make me use my Mom voice! The righteous are as bold as a lion!

Child of God, Farm girl, animal lover, Mom, Nana, Don't make me use my Mom voice! The righteous are as bold as a lion!

Our Country has a Savior and that's NOT ME!

Child of God, Farm girl, animal lover, Mom, Nana, Don't make me use my Mom voice! The righteous are as bold as a lion!

Things are not how they appear

Child of God, Farm girl, animal lover, Mom, Nana, Don't make me use my Mom voice! The righteous are as bold as a lion!

Child of God, Farm girl, animal lover, Mom, Nana, Don't make me use my Mom voice! The righteous are as bold as a lion!

Child of God, Farm girl, animal lover, Mom, Nana, Don't make me use my Mom voice! The righteous are as bold as a lion!

Child of God, Farm girl, animal lover, Mom, Nana, Don't make me use my Mom voice! The righteous are as bold as a lion! Here we go with the shenanigans again...forget the cows, the next case of bird flu will be in sheep 🐑

Child of God, Farm girl, animal lover, Mom, Nana, Don't make me use my Mom voice! The righteous are as bold as a lion!

Child of God, Farm girl, animal lover, Mom, Nana, Don't make me use my Mom voice! The righteous are as bold as a lion!

Setting up the narrative for bird flu pandemic & need for vaccines, the needless culling of chickens and cutting off supply lines at the same time.

Child of God, Farm girl, animal lover, Mom, Nana, Don't make me use my Mom voice! The righteous are as bold as a lion!

Child of God, Farm girl, animal lover, Mom, Nana, Don't make me use my Mom voice! The righteous are as bold as a lion!