Patriot 55_
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Patriot 55_

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Ret Mil - Been There Seen It Done It Got the T-Shirt. Warrior In Christ putting on the Whole Armor of God. In the Republic of Texas.

Protect 1st & 2nd Amendment, Protect Children, Save America, Let Freedom Ring, United We Stand, We The People

Ret Mil - Been There Seen It Done It Got the T-Shirt. Warrior In Christ putting on the Whole Armor of God. In the Republic of Texas.


In response QuickWit NitWit to his Publication


Ret Mil - Been There Seen It Done It Got the T-Shirt. Warrior In Christ putting on the Whole Armor of God. In the Republic of Texas.

Ret Mil - Been There Seen It Done It Got the T-Shirt. Warrior In Christ putting on the Whole Armor of God. In the Republic of Texas.

Sometimes what you think of someone else is a reflection of yourself! @StBernard on TS

Ret Mil - Been There Seen It Done It Got the T-Shirt. Warrior In Christ putting on the Whole Armor of God. In the Republic of Texas.

So, this weekend while in the grocery store, it seemed that almost everyone took their masks off. Only two reasons: They all took the death injection or they were cowards for not taking the mask off long ago to rebel against the tryranny. To those few who stood with us and refused to wear a mask, we became bonded against tyranny and now know where courage against tyranny really is, thank you for your courage. They are losing the narrative because of us.

Ret Mil - Been There Seen It Done It Got the T-Shirt. Warrior In Christ putting on the Whole Armor of God. In the Republic of Texas.

So, here we are just over a year from the ridiculous beginning of a plandemic and the scourge of masks, a year. We should start seeing an increase in bacterial lung diseases as a result only to be dubbed a killer variant of CV by the DS. This will be a lie of course and the sheep will continue to breath the back exhaust of their body poisoning themselves beleiving they contracted the killer variant while a new and more evil death injection will be introduced only it will enhance the bacterial infections they inflicted upon themselves thinning the herd. Didn't we all read a post from 17 stating 'these people are stupid'. Hum.

Retired 12x Twitter Censored Champion!🏆 A Patriot 🦅🇺🇸 Leader in #5D 🌎☮️ 🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺#NeverSurrender #LoveOverFear #17 🦁❤️👼🤍👼❤️🦁

They Should Have Never Touched The Children!
#wwg1wga 🌎☮️
#SaveOurChildren 🙏👼

We the People 🇺🇸 Knowledge Is Power✨ God is a frequency tune in 🔊 God Wins ❤️

Ret Mil - Been There Seen It Done It Got the T-Shirt. Warrior In Christ putting on the Whole Armor of God. In the Republic of Texas.

So here in Texas our useless Gov. just lifted mandatory masks, never affected me or my family, we never wore them, never received any static either, after all this is Texas home to more firearms than in the entire US with a very polite society.

Ret Mil - Been There Seen It Done It Got the T-Shirt. Warrior In Christ putting on the Whole Armor of God. In the Republic of Texas.

Texas update - Here we now have power but local municipality has turned off water due to contamination - We are good to go, both tubs full, cases of water, and Berkey Filter System. People in our community are still without power and now water. Pitching in to assist in our neighborhood, praying for all Texans. No telling how many have died in this last week through out the state. Criminal accountability should take place at high levels but probably won't. CV19 is a thing of the past in TX, not sure if a Bidan supporter could be found here now. Hard lesson learned. Always prepare for contingencies, look forward and prepare. Get out of the 3D reality and take care of your families, never trust government for welfare. Pray and Prepare.

Ret Mil - Been There Seen It Done It Got the T-Shirt. Warrior In Christ putting on the Whole Armor of God. In the Republic of Texas.

Update from Texas- they are calling it controlled outages because the lost control of rolling blackouts - so- called experts have jacked up the Texas power grid with alt energy wind/solar= morons.

Ret Mil - Been There Seen It Done It Got the T-Shirt. Warrior In Christ putting on the Whole Armor of God. In the Republic of Texas.

A must watch for due diligence on CV vax the truth and dangers.

Ret Mil - Been There Seen It Done It Got the T-Shirt. Warrior In Christ putting on the Whole Armor of God. In the Republic of Texas.

PANIC and PAIN is for DS scum not Patriots. All is well, God has the last word in all of this. We are to stay calm, now is the time to measure faith, to build faith, this is exciting.

Ret Mil - Been There Seen It Done It Got the T-Shirt. Warrior In Christ putting on the Whole Armor of God. In the Republic of Texas.

No human stoops to a level of panic as these [DS] pols to hide their debauchery and wickedness only to exhibit it openly by their words and deeds. No I cannot come to the premise that human beings treat one another on such a level of evil as do these self-absorbed things that presume to set themselves over each of us. They will rue the day when they cannot hide or defend themselves from the treachery they have committed against ‘We The People’. My comfort in all of this is knowing God is in control of this and the purge to come, it will be in his timing and method not ours.

Ret Mil - Been There Seen It Done It Got the T-Shirt. Warrior In Christ putting on the Whole Armor of God. In the Republic of Texas.

So now they [DS] are the ones who have lit the fuse to ignite the fire which will in no doubt burn their own house to the ground. It is not as if we or the true POTUS is forcing them other than letting them ensnare themselves with their own intrigue. I firmly believe this is all a comedy of errors that the American People are watching to open eyes to what has been taking place all our lives. Corruption is too much a kind word to describe them, evil would be more to the suiting of these things (I refrain from using the word people or human to describe them). God Wins.

Ret Mil - Been There Seen It Done It Got the T-Shirt. Warrior In Christ putting on the Whole Armor of God. In the Republic of Texas.

True North, good catch, as I have already informed Sabrina Gal as well, there were several trucks of gold Sadam was attempting to move out of Bagdad when we came in. I was part of one of the operations with a Gold Truck, yes we caught them not that we as soldiers were looking for them but the question I have is where did it all go? We did our jobs took photos as you can see, if not, nobody would have ever known. Good research on your part.

Ret Mil - Been There Seen It Done It Got the T-Shirt. Warrior In Christ putting on the Whole Armor of God. In the Republic of Texas.

Think Act of 1871, if not familiar with it, due diligence. Is DC really We the People's seat? Or does it belong to some other entity rather than We the People.? Is DC really legal? Foreign entity? Successful invasion of a foreign entity by a Patriotic Army now in control? Transition of a foreign entity to patriot military control? A seat of traitors now contained? The Real seat of govt for We the People? Where does POTUS go tomorrow? He represents We the People the only one that has been selected by We the People. New dawn approaches. God wins by his hand.

Ret Mil - Been There Seen It Done It Got the T-Shirt. Warrior In Christ putting on the Whole Armor of God. In the Republic of Texas.

A flamboyant billionaire which we had all witnessed through out the decades with his flare for catching our attention came down an escalator and began to say the things we only thought struck a nerve of hope with a nation of patriots and immediately became a stark terror for elites has now managed to place us on the cusp of regaining the Republic we never knew we had lost. God prepared him and us for such a moment as this, we will not take any of this for granted, amen.

Ret Mil - Been There Seen It Done It Got the T-Shirt. Warrior In Christ putting on the Whole Armor of God. In the Republic of Texas.

When all or this is settled and President Trump begins his next term, all laws contrary to the US Constitution need to be vacated by Federal and State Governments. All States must adhere to the basis of law (Constitutional) with no restrictions placed upon the people of any state. Local/City Police need to be directly under the jurisdiction of the elected Sheriffs not any one mayor, commissioner, or Governor. Mayors should be administrators to the needs of the community not unilateral determiners of law enforcement. The Judiciary must follow US Constitutional Law as well as all Legislators, fe

Ret Mil - Been There Seen It Done It Got the T-Shirt. Warrior In Christ putting on the Whole Armor of God. In the Republic of Texas.


Ret Mil - Been There Seen It Done It Got the T-Shirt. Warrior In Christ putting on the Whole Armor of God. In the Republic of Texas.


Ret Mil - Been There Seen It Done It Got the T-Shirt. Warrior In Christ putting on the Whole Armor of God. In the Republic of Texas.

First Post, on board because of friendly faces from WEGO. Exciting times already full from popcorn lets get this thing rolling, still trying to figure out the video deal in verification. Will get it one soon.