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Baaa. I humbly know some things, and want to learn about the others. Most people enjoy moral outrage, without the inconvenience of research.

Baaa. I humbly know some things, and want to learn about the others. Most people enjoy moral outrage, without the inconvenience of research.

I got news for you, we're winning. The proof is everywhere if you are willing to look.

I love the Lord and my Family. Trump is my President!

Baaa. I humbly know some things, and want to learn about the others. Most people enjoy moral outrage, without the inconvenience of research.

Baaa. I humbly know some things, and want to learn about the others. Most people enjoy moral outrage, without the inconvenience of research.


Baaa. I humbly know some things, and want to learn about the others. Most people enjoy moral outrage, without the inconvenience of research.

Today a leftie told me, that the Left has "keyboard warriors" and the right has "violent mobs". I nuanced his statement by referring to the Antifa riots. In hindsight, I should've told/taught him about projectionism.

*MOST IMPORTANT Q DROP regarding 2021
and current status of American Presidency.

Just when it looks like all hope is lost one of the COURT CASES is going to emerge out of nowhere and get this fraudulent election overturned.

There are too many allusions to TRIALS in
q-posts for them not to play a MAJOR part in getting Donald Trump back into POTUS-POSITION.

18-Dec-2019 10:52:52 PM EST

It must be done right.
It must be done according to the rule of law.
It must carry weight.
It must be proven in the court of law.
There can be no mistakes.
Good things sometimes take time.
Attempts to slow/block the inevitable [Justice] will fail.

[D]s election interference 2020.

Baaa. I humbly know some things, and want to learn about the others. Most people enjoy moral outrage, without the inconvenience of research.

I signed up to follow ze anonz.