Marc Burdett
3 years ago

Marc Burdett

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In response Doug from Canada to his Publication

100 percent. The CPC as well as all the parties are all for the Great reset, They are all traitors to us.

In response Miss Wide Awake to her Publication

Noboby can tell me that the shooting in Nova Scocia wasn't one big false flag to justify a gun grab. I saw that coming. They serve the crown and not the people.

In response Miss Wide Awake to her Publication

Kenney is a major globalist. He's been destroying Alberta from the inside since he was selected by the club to come from Ontairo to run in Alberta. I knew what he was all about in 2014 when I found out he was at the Bildiburg meetings. He was with Harper at the UN when he signed up us for Agenda 2030 before he left office. When I heard he was going to run in Alberta I knew this was going to be bad. That was the day I burned my CPC membership. O'Toole, Mackay. and Harper were invovled with the Clintons in Haiti and are just as deep into the child traffiking as Trdeau is. And the RCMP have been covering it up for years.

In response Miss Wide Awake to her Publication

I think we definatly are. My town in Northern Alberta is still pretty much asleep. I think I'm the only one who doesn't wear a mask. I don't even like going out because seeing the sheep pisses me off. Looking forward to talking to you some more. It's been a pleasure. Thanks again.

In response Miss Wide Awake to her Publication

I hope that's the case my friend. I have little to no trust in what any politician or health official has to say.The few honest politicians that we have like Randy Hillier and Derek Sloan must have slipped the cracks when they got elected. You have to be compromised to be a member of the club. It's so nice to have a conversation with someone who is like minded for a change. I really appreciate it. It's getting pretty old trying to wake the sheep up when they don't want to wake up. I've always been taught that you earn respect not derseve it. Maybe I'm just from the old school in my thinking. LOL Anyway it's a great pleasure to talk to you.

In response Miss Wide Awake to her Publication

Very Scary my friend. With everything thats come out about Trudeau and the rest of his merry band of terrorists and people are still drinking the Kool-aid. Even people who support the CPC. They are no different than the LPC. CPC-Build Back Stronger, LPC-Build Back Better, It's the same agenda but just one word changed. I can't figure out how people can't see that. They are all for the Great Reset. O'Toole has been saying all along that the only way we get out of the lockdowns is the vaccine. Nothing about HCQ OR Ivermectin mentioned by one politican in the country both federally or provincially. They are all compromised IMO and traitors to Canada.

In response Miss Wide Awake to her Publication

I'don't know what it's going to take to wake people up. Maybe something on the MSM about all the child trafficing done all these PM's over the years and the adenocrome business that's been happining for years in Canada. I just find it really intresting that over the past year since this scamdemic started, every dirty scandel that they have been trying to hide for years about not just with the LPC but every politician in Canada is just all of sudden coming out? IMO I don't think the LPC is running the show. I think the same thing is happening here in Canada thats happing in the US. Trying to red pill everyone. Just a thought.

In response Miss Wide Awake to her Publication

I have to agree with you 100 percent. There is a lot of people here in Canada who are still asleep. People like us who have a understanding on what's really going are going to be getting a real reality check when the truth finally comes out and it will come out. I've been awake since Ruby Ridge in the 90's and havn't watched the news or TV really since 9/11. When Canadians find out the depth of the corruption in Canada is and who is involved a hell of a lot of people will not recover.