Sharon Runtas
2 years ago

Sharon Runtas

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So my co-worker and her husband (both vaccinated) went on a family gathering for the 4th of July. She was out of the office from Wednesday, June 30th and arrived back home on Tuesday July 6th. She messaged me later in the evening of the 6th, that her and her husband both tested positive for covid. Fast forward, yesterday she received a call from a 1-800 number that were asking her very personal questions such as address and DOB. She was very off put by the call and refused to give them any information other that "Yes i have covid". She then called the number back and it said it was the covid tracking network, or something like that. My question, shouldn't she already be in the system with that information already given?

If William Jefferson Clinton's real name is William J Blythe lll, what is Hillary's name? is the Durham report Durham England? asking for friends ...

As we all sit back and wait for things to happen, do your part. STOP shopping BIG STORE CHAINS. Get produce from local fruit stands, find out where the independently owned grocery stores are and shop there. STOP GIVING MONEY TO THE ELITES. Cut them off until they go down. No more supporting them. Period.

Light Worker Patriot! Married! Mother of 3 Beautiful Daughters and 4 Handsome Grandsons, 1 Beautiful Grand-Daughter

Watch the water........marks? Hmmmm

Hold the line is at 9.412.10%, let's get this done!! #WWG1WGA

If you live in Texas you need to run this ass hat out, do not let him get a foothold in any way.

I have never been one to enjoy saying "I told you so". But now, I cannot wait to say it. I cannot for the life of me believe that ANYONE with ANY common sense, would think that what we are watching in our "Government" and on main stream media, is actually real and true.

I have been telling people for a while now, to stock up on food, water, charcoal, grills... anything that can feed your family if the need arises. Most of them look at me like I am cray cray.... but I bet you I will be eating while they are in a panic. We got food, water and lots of ammo and guns. Better to be safe than sorry, with the way our world is today.

Anyone who has lost someone to "covid" needs to sue the shit out of whoever said Ivermectin would not treat it, when it is revealed that there were other treatments that would indeed cure them. And it will be revealed.

Netflix movie... now airing... "I am all girls". Based on true events. I won't ruin it for you... but it involves shipping containers...

Just for the record... UFO's are real. Aliens... just the next scare tactic. Unidentified flying objects is a correct term for technology that has excisted for a long time, but has not been revealed to the public. Look up patent's filed by the military. Interesting information to say the least. These are my opinions.

"I've known that they were going to highjack this election since 2018. I know what is in the Durham report." Patrick Byrne 5/19/2021

"I've known that they were going to highjack this election since 2018. I know what is in the Durham report." Patrick Byrne 5/19/2021

"HCQ does nothing to healthy cells, however it attacks and destroys cancer cells." Dr. Richard Urso, Ameria's Frontline Doctors.

Watching the water!!!! Red Sea and Washington DC.

Looking for answers, you need a way out
You've been trapped in that trial full of sorrow and doubt
You saw a trickle of sunlight but you found no escape
Just hold on to his promises, he said he'd make a way

He'll make a way in the middle of nowhere
When it seems no one really cares he is there by your side
He'll make a way when you feel Satan close in
Don't give up, don't give in,
He'll make a way right on time

Standing at the Red Sea, no place to go
Pharaoh's army was closing in, they'd soon overthrow
But right out of nowhere came a might strong hand
He rolled back the water, he made a way out again


😉Well dang.... they just might have to unload the shipping containers. What a bummer......

Are we watching the water???? Nothing to see there huh? It's nice to be awake, many more are waking up daily! Evil will lose.

Stimulus deposits made..... on the 17th. AMC and GME stocks dipped last week on a single day at exactly the same time.... 12:17 pm. The number 17 is everywhere... Patriots in control?

When I hit 7k everyone starts getting Toasters!



From DC_Draino-Rogan O'Handley- telegram

DC Swamp Translation Guide for newbies:

$15 minimum wage = bomb Syria

$2000 COVID relief = send more troops into Iraq

No fracking ban = ban fracking

Create good jobs = destroy jobs

Criminal Justice Reform = open borders

Wear a mask = wear 2 masks

And just like that... ALL former U.S. Presidents tax returns can be revealed, Dominion suing Sydney and Mike will allow the TRUE election results to be revealed, and it has been proven that our highest courts are corrupt. it has been a good day. Stay focused!

It was/is DJT's DUTY as President of the United States of America, to protect everyone and everything, againt all enemy's Foreign or Domestic. So for anyone that thinks this is over and have given up, you weren't ready for the truth. Hence, why it is still playing out. He is accountable to uphold the Constitution, no matter what. My faith in God and also in our President, is stronger today than it ever has been. Watch what happens. STAY FOCUSED! STAY POSITIVE!


I just feel like something good is about to happen, I just feel like something good is on it's way. He has promised that he'd open all of Heaven and brother it could be just any day... This song is running through my mind today....

Nov. 7th 1983. Susan Rosenburg was part of the M-19 gang, that bomb the Capitol (a million $ in damages. She was also thought to be involved in other incidents, that led to the death of a couple of policemen. She was never charged with ANY of these crimes, however was arrested, when she was stopped and they found a stockpile of explosives and guns. She was sentenced to 58 years, served 16 and was pardoned by B. Clinton. As of 2020, she is vice chair of Board of Directors of Thousand Currants, which organized fundraising and admin support for BLM.

My friends and some of my family, think I have lost it. I stand firm. To think that any of this is NORMAL, separates the critical thinkers from the sheep. Watch what happens. Y'all follow me, I need like minds to conversate with LOL!