J.. M..
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Marine veteran and jack of trades Truthseeker and gatherer

Marine veteran and jack of trades Truthseeker and gatherer
This is why banks/credit cards charge interest. All it costs is your time at work. Do you work to live? Are you really free? Once you are debt free, you still pay electric, water, and taxes. House paid off, but you still pay property taxes. Oh, you homestead, still gotta pay property taxes. Don't own anything, someone pays. We've been played a long game with taxes and policy.

Marine veteran and jack of trades Truthseeker and gatherer
Awesome! Feeling the vibes!

Marine veteran and jack of trades Truthseeker and gatherer
It's testing my patience for sure...watched an update and feeling better. It will be biblical!😁

Marine veteran and jack of trades Truthseeker and gatherer
Looks and feels great! Haven't figured out everything, but enjoying what's here!

Marine veteran and jack of trades Truthseeker and gatherer
Monkeywerx went live with some info. Check it and expect further updates from other sources.