Ann Elisabeth Stran
4 years ago

Ann Elisabeth Stran

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I was so lucky to have my maternal grandmother alive til I was 13 y, I am the youngest of 4 siblings. She was a gem ❤ but at age 83 she got a stroke and passed 2 months later. My maternal grandfather lived til I was 25 - he had severe dementia, the old type where they want to go back home to their mom, with nasty language. My children grew up in my mothers house, on her farm - then I ran the farm for a few years, and she was the go to for homework and all - one of us was always there. In less than a month my mother turns 90 years and she is still driving her car, also to town and she do not live close to town. My children talk to her on the phone on a regular basis, and I know they love 💖 The value of her participation in being part of bringing up my children can not be valued in money or gold!

In response 1776 Again to his Publication

Look like all browsers say the same. out of date certificate.. I use Brave and have seen screenshots from at least 5 different browsers with same message on WeGo

In response Anthony Michau18 to his Publication

It is there on vessel finder. I find interesting is that there is a heavy loader behind Ever Given

In response THE REAL SANTINO to his Publication

That figure on top?!

In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication

One of the watch pic that was posted time was 4:49

In response Ann Elisabeth Stran to her Publication

That figure on top of the flag pole, what is that and who uses that. Sorry for asking but I am not familiar with this.

In response Jackie Joe to his Publication

Those in the know and who will vote are deep state, and whoever nominated BLM are a leftist activists, there are many of them here due to the total indoctrination in the education system. We who are not among them are scarce and live far apart.

In response Robby Ball to his Publication

The BLUE eyess, nose, I'd say atlest one picture of both I have seen earlobes that is rather similar, but not easy to say as I can not tell when a picture is mirroredr, they have rather similar chin... Melania is always squinting and use dark make up... problem is there are pictures of a young Melania and it is easy to see it is her..

In response Boooo BooBoo to her Publication

It is going to take time to wake up the world, some countries have people sleepwalking, even complaining that the government should shut the country down and lock everyone inside. Maybe it has to come to that?! Not alowed outside unless for walking the dog 10 minutes 2 times a day or tend to animals on a farm? 😩 At this point I am not very found of my fellow countrymen.

In response COMMANDER VALIANTTHOR to his Publication

And that is the truth! Much information not accepted by "science" and suppressed by so called historians.. They might not know any better.. And how many times have the Bible been altered? I am not sure anyone know the answer to that, but we are waking up, slowly, one by one. Cognitive dissonance anyone? ;)

Good afternoon :)

In response Jocylynn Root to her Publication

I unsubd! I am not going to watch any Joe or that other one unless they are on trail ;)

In response Jonella Moore to her Publication

🙏I have noticed many and will pray they understand and see what is truly going on.

In response Jonella Moore to her Publication

No I did not. Sorry for not replying I struggle to figure this platform out, was never on Twitter...

In response Jonella Moore to her Publication

Try again, is seems to be far form stable conditions today. I see it her too. BTW plane from Arlington landing in Palm Beach now... Not sure if it is AF1 as it is N/A

In response Jonella Moore to her Publication

Down again now.. Grateful for AnonUp and 107 that I joined yesterday, just in case and in hope that everything is not taken down all at the same time.

In response Jonella Moore to her Publication

I had that too, but got back in now.

In response naval kishori Z to her Publication

Be carefull where you get your information from - much fake "news" also in the alternative media. I could not even listen to the whole video, did not make any sense knowing what I have learned the last year. The NG was wanted by the mayor of DC, but the mayor had to ask the President, who is Donald J. Trump, to deploy them, he is the Commander-in-Chief of all of the military in the USA -also the NG.

In response Katz Pajamas to her Publication

Let's see if pope is first to go down.

In response Jonella Moore to her Publication

Glad to see you here. I am trying to figure this out, was never on twatt..