Mark Villalta
2 years ago

Mark Villalta

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Do they honestly believe, we the American people believe that there is that many stupid people in Arizona who would vote for katis hobbs or mark kelly, PLEASE !
They both need to be arrested and executed for treason against America and the American people , No Gray Area ..

So very disappointing China didn't follow through

ROFL 9 years Toooo funny, This piece of garbage got exactly what she wanted, Karma at it's best

What a disappointing day..
The Chinese said they would blow that nasty anti-American piece of garbage pelosi out of the sky, They didn't, Truly heartbreaking...
She will get hers when she's facing God on her judgment Day
So there is happiness in that !

Now they are teaching children, worshiping a MURDER CULT is okay
When are the good parents going to step up and stop these evil people and their perverted sickness ..

When you look at 2021 closely. It was a good year for MAGA,
Not so much for the scumbags destroying America and the world,
You know the the child raping, baby murdering democrat / liberal types. ..
Here's a brief reminder of the good stuff that happened in 2021

Many were happy about Glenn Youngkin winning as governor in Virginia, turns out he's has ties to China may have ties to Clinton, Soros and so forth
Once again we find out it's all a dog and pony show what are they really distracting us from

They know you're going to have a heart attack

In Cuyahoga County Cleveland Ohio, They are forcing people to take the Murder shot,
3 judges who received the murder shot all died within 9 days
No real loss they were only democratic judges ,Maybe now they can replace the open spots with Honest Good Americans Judges !

Are we in the middle of a Vaccine Induced Massacre of young adults and teenagers ?

The problem is, that health bureaucrats like the TGA in Australia are so incompetent, they have no idea what the real data is for short-term adverse events after the vaccines, because they rely on a system of voluntary reports - and they have no idea what level of under-reporting is.

We are flying blind, and have clowns at the controls.

But perhaps they have deliberately done - they use a reporting system that is not fit for purpose, as it under-reports the true extent of the deaths following injection - all so nothing can interfere with the vaccine roll-out.

If true, Could very well explain many things

In response Mark Villalta to his Publication

It looks like the organisms the doctor on the Stew Peters show found in drops of the vaccines under the microscope might be microgamete parasites.

I haven't been able to verify this as of yet, but two things do come to mind.
This fake presidency and democratic administration have no boundaries, they want you to take the death shot and die... that is part of their depopulation agenda, So if they cannot murder you with the the death shot, they are going to murder you by taking your earned income away via SSI, retirement, whatever, hence means you can't make your house payments, buy groceries and on and on..
Second thing that comes to mind, if this is fake what kind of scumbag would go through the time and effort to distribute this, it would make this disinformation to rile up the people and create panic .
I have been saying for years we as a society are in deep trouble, each and every day we see that coming into fruition ..
When is Enough ,Enough When are the people going to get together and REMOVE this fake, evil democratic administration,

How many of you were ROFL when you heard this fake surgeon general ( Vivek Murthy) say ,( this guy is either a complete idiot or he is out and out lying ) but he said " if you've been vaccinated, wear a mask around your kids because they're in danger " LOL !!
Of course that was on msnbc which has zero to no credibility anyway, but for this fake surgeon general to get up there and say that, oh my gosh it was hilarious


Going to get Very Ugly soon !

" THEY " say ( scumbag democratic / rinos traitors) biden won the 2020 fake election by just over 10K, Now we hear there are about 100K votes with issues Maricopa county Az

A passionate seeker of the TRUTH who definitely was not created 2 fit In I definitely was created 2 stand out"

Part 1 of 6

Clinton Suffers Adrenochrome Withdrawal at GITMO
Michael Baxter

A disruptive Hillary Clinton was placed in lockdown at GITMO following a series of incidents in which the former Secretary of State spat on guards, defecated on the floor of her cell, assaulted U.S. military personnel, and, in her witch’s cackle, hurled obscenities indefatigably at staff and fellow inmates, said a source familiar with Clinton’s arrest and incarceration at the world’s most infamous detention center.
As reported previously, U.S. Navy SEALs working under Trump’s command raided Clinton’s Chappaqua, NY, estate on March 2, resulting in her arrest. Three days later, she was taken to GITMO’s Camp Delta, former home to Al-Qaeda and ISIS Jihadists.
Citing a March 15 GITMO situation report, our source said Clinton was a model prisoner during her first week in captivity, meaning she kept her mouth shut and didn’t cause a ruckus. But on March 10 her demeanor changed; she underwent what a staf

Great news, Looks like that sick evil pedo t.hanks may have died, Of course they are using the democratic virus as a cause , Really who cares how, It means more children are safe !

Brit with an inquisitive mind from as far back as I can remember. Red-pilled since 9/11 been searching for truth(s) ever since.

Can we say Agenda 21/ 30 , Rex 84 , FM 39.4
Do NOT think for one minute this is not where we are headed for

When will people wake up, Step up and get involved in stopping these traiotors who sold out America and The American people

WH Tunnels - Real Chief Police post - discern#SaveTheChildren

Exactly why are Americans NOT stepping Up, Standing Up and stopping what maybe coming ? We The People have them ( anti American scumbag traitors ) out numbered !