Peaceful Protestor
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I totally get what you are saying. There seems to be a lot of that right now. Bless you!

Nope, doesnt negate the constitution! people have fot to stand up!

thats putting it mildly

i have been meaning to post that 911 is said to be Christs birth on here with something I have read but hadnt gotten around to it. Thanks for sharing this info! I always believe when something like this comes around again it is highly likely to be true! confirmation is always good!

I heard or read many years ago that Sept 11 was christ’s birth. Makes sense to me!

shes a moron🙄

isnt he dead or at Gitmo? 🤷♀️

why is she going there? I dont really care. Whatever it is , if that is really her, she is up to no good! These people never do anything good. They arent good people. Evil people arent good.

i will have that laminated please!

I want that tshirt! You are such a sweetheart! 🥰

wear a mask? um , no.


I asked that 18 months ago and still havent gotten a staright answer. I think that means there isnt one except that masks are not needed.

couple of morons! Who believes these idiots?

cant listen to this lying swamp creature.

awesome ! TY!🤗

wish I could cut and paste that and put in a translator to confirm that is really what it says.

37% seems high to me. Surely we dont still have that many idiots in this country do we. perhaps those being polled were dead too? 🤷♀️

I plan to! We all have another gear! I am getting ready to switch to another one! We must be strong in the Lord and the power of His might! His grace is sufficient and strength is made perfect in my weakenss! 2 Corinthians 12:9

We can do this!”Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.” Hebrews 12:1

“ You come to me with a spear and a sword, but I cone to ypu in THE NAME OF THE LORD!” 1 Samuel 17:45. God used the least likely of all his brothers to make the King of Israel! He can use you too but you must depend on Him and His word to produce the kind of faith David had! Though there is turmoil all around I am so glad I have found peace in Jesus!

My son is now 23 years old. He had an unfavorable size tumor in his right thigh, an unfavorable location, unfavorable histology, and unfavorable prognosis but with God’s favor it didnt matter. Faith is what pleases God. We all have a measure but its like a muscle ; you have to keep excercising it! I had to fight with the weopns of my warfare that are not carnal , but mighy through God , to the pulling down of strongholds! 2 Corinthians 10:4. I thank God for the opportunity to learn to fight the fight of faith because I have drawn on those victories for today. You see we are to. ontinue to live from glory to glory, victory to victory but we must FIGHT! Like little David ( came to be king David) He remembered killing the lion and the bear with his bare hands and drew on those times that through the power of God only was he able to do so. God was preparing him to fight Goliath and kill him with a sling and a stone! He stood up to that lion and said (see in next comment below. )

Faith and fear can not dwell together.

Yes! I agree with everything you said! Our enemy want to keep even patriots confused. In my experience , the only way to combat confusion and fall outs between my fellow Americans is by ontinually meditating on Gods word. The enemy is fighting with all they have to divide and conquer. We cant let him win. We must unite, keep our armour on, and fight the fight of faith! Faith comes by hearing and reading Gods word and is the only way to combat fear. I am drawing from experience and I liken this to when my son was diagnosed with cancer when he was 2. I applied the principles I have decribed here but one of the things that I realized is this “ you cannot teach someone to swim when they are drowning because they are fighting fear of that very thing. You must teach them to swim BEFORE they get in a precaurious position.” Same with our life struggles and situations. People get paralyzed with fear because they havent studied Gods word enough to know it to combat fear. Fear &Faith r 🔥&💦

This confusion mainly with Trump continuing to push the jab is really making me angry and in need of a break from all of it. I would like to think that a lot of it is a placebo and have considered that but the thought that this is a russian roulette doesnt set well with me either. All I know right now is that God is not the author of confusion unless he is confusing the enemy. Those in tune with Him will never have to wonder but can trust fully in Him. He is the ONLY one I trust fully. I think it is time for me to grab my Bible for my predominant reading pray, and stand strong in the power of the Lord! Most of the posting on here doesn’t encourage me like God’s word. Only He fully knows the future of our lives, this nation , and the world. “ Trust in the Lord with all your heart and LEAN NOT to your own understanding.” proverbs 3:5

ugh! so sorry! 🙏

I am so sick of images like this!

IDK… I think he is a moron for being tested. what is up with that? How do they even know since we know it cant be measured with testing. Getting weird .

That is my BD! not the year but the day! well well! I feel so special!

I care not to even listen to this idiot. i am so sick of looking at these ignorant masked faced morons! This facade needs to end soon. Its not working. It is so obvious that every bit of this is nothing but theater. I am shocked that people cant see through this. They dont even hide their intent like they used to before all of them were caught. Its quite comical to me.