Lyra Dreama
8 months ago

Lyra Dreama

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uk flight news from the last few days from tg

anyone else doing DUMB stuff???
love these guys btw!!!

George H W Bush indictment…..

2 months before his death….

oh so interesting.... i dont have fancy photo collage apps sorry

see the straight lines and at 10km!!!

leaked email from neil fergurson to imperial college

satan is alive and well in cornwall, uk
they calling themselves extension rebellion

Wow 😳 Watch this!!!! 9/11 was an inside job by the CIA. Most people know that by now but listen to George Bush slip and talk about the explosives during a live speech 😳😳 He’s shaken by accidentally speaking truth

Distractions and distractions
We are Spiritual beings having a material experience

Message To Humanity
From The Ground Crew Project

You have been specially chosen to be a part of a divine experiment in creation. What is about to happen on this planet has never happened before and will never happen again.

Our planet is moving from third dimensional awareness (physical-material reality-what you can see, feel, hear, taste and touch), to a fourth and a fifth-dimensional consciousness. In the these dimensions you will be fully conscious, you will exist in a state of love not fear. You will be telepathic and have much more light in your body.

You will be able to create anything you want with your mind and the new technology that will be provided for you. This technology will be beyond your wildest imagination.

You will be able to live for hundreds or thousands of years. You will be completely healed of any thing that is now wrong with you. You could be 85 years old now and