Liberty or Death!
9 months ago

Liberty or Death!

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Breaker of the #TrumpCode | Stable Genius | America First | Taxation = Theft | History is a Lie | Liberty And Justice For All!

Breaker of the #TrumpCode | Stable Genius | America First | Taxation = Theft | History is a Lie | Liberty And Justice For All!

How many Electoral votes do you think President Trump REALLY got in 2020? I have a guess...

At least 3 post from President Trump today (2:40 AM, 2:54 AM, 4:05 PM) where the number "294" comes up.

Q Drop 294 is a picture of Podesta....
Q Drop 2940 references 80K+ sealed case files...

Both could work, but I felt it had to mean something significant. I've thought about it a lot today hoping it would come to me. I think it just did.

My theory is that some of the big news that will come out over the next ~2 weeks is that President Trump will provide irrefutable evidence that he did, in fact, win the 2020 Presidential Election and did so with 294 Electoral Votes.

There will be no 2024 Presidential Election.

Let's see what happens. This is going to be BIBLICAL!


Breaker of the #TrumpCode | Stable Genius | America First | Taxation = Theft | History is a Lie | Liberty And Justice For All!

Ten Days of Darkness.

I think it's *possible* that the "Blackout" happens between 9/9/23 & 9/21/23. I'm not connected but I am pretty good at noticing patterns and connecting dots.

5:5 is a common in my decodes. 5:5 is referenced in 31 different Drops. Open for interpretation but I feel like it is most connected to 5 years, 5 months. Nearly all my decodes tie back to 2018

11:11 / 12:21
If you follow@VincentKennedy, you've seen 11:11 & 12:21 posts. What does that have to do with 10 DoD?

Q Drop 1111 was published on April 9, 2018.
Q Drop 1221 was published on April 21, 2018.

Applying 5:5 you get 9/9/2023 & 9/21/2023.

More than 10 days; I know. Maybe a trigger event Saturday 9/9 and it starts Monday 9/11 and we "come to light" on Thursday 9/21.

Maybe it doesn't mean 10 days of darkness, and something else big will happen. If it does, who knows what that even means.

Maybe it's nothing.
Just one guy's guess!


Breaker of the #TrumpCode | Stable Genius | America First | Taxation = Theft | History is a Lie | Liberty And Justice For All!

My thread from yesterday...check it out! Great stuff from@VincentKennedy ...I tried to post some here as well but couldn't keep up. Follow me on X@LoD_STL for more#wwg1wga#NCSWIC

Breaker of the #TrumpCode | Stable Genius | America First | Taxation = Theft | History is a Lie | Liberty And Justice For All!

Now we're getting into real MOABs....NUKES!

@VincentKennedy responds to a Dave Portnoy comment at 9:14 PM EST.
"the Knicks have a shot imo."
Knicks has a GV of 402

VK posts a reply to@elonmusk at 9:21 PM EST, or 21:21 military time.

402 > 42
42 US Code 2121 (all about atomic energy and atomc weapons)

Link in replies

Breaker of the #TrumpCode | Stable Genius | America First | Taxation = Theft | History is a Lie | Liberty And Justice For All!

@VincentKennedy has posted several cat videos lately (including this Cat today)

Think mirror.

Q Drop 1017 (5y, 5m exactly yesterday)
The Analysis Corporation (TAC)

What all did John Brennan do to cover Obama's tracks? What is he still doing?


Breaker of the #TrumpCode | Stable Genius | America First | Taxation = Theft | History is a Lie | Liberty And Justice For All!

Storm is upon us?

Lot's to unpack's an attempt to present the information and help connect the dots.

@VincentKennedy posted at 12:19 PM EST.
12:19 > Q Drop 1219
5:5 marker (5y, 5m)
Think Sessions
Public announcement re: Leaks
Expand your thinking outside of 'leaks'.
Journalism ethics and standards.

VK posts a response at 12:34 PM EST with several spelling errors (misspellings matter).
"Advanced Realestate is the reason she choose this college. But its not set in stone."

If you take the capital letters, ARB you get GV of 126.
126 > Q Drop 1260 (one we've seen several times in my decodes recently)
Q Drop 1260
5:5 marker
Red carpet event tonight?
State dinner.
What will the texts reveal?
MOAB or precursor?

Now for the misspellings:
Realestate choose its = 1314

Storm is upon us = 1314


Breaker of the #TrumpCode | Stable Genius | America First | Taxation = Theft | History is a Lie | Liberty And Justice For All!

Should've posted this one first as it is a lead into the quoted breakdown.

President Trump posted at 9:26 PM EST on 9/4, "Thank you Colby Covington, you're the greatest--MAGA!!!"

Noteworthy that it is also his pinned "Truth".

9:26pm > 21:26 > Q Drop 2126
Sept 9, 2018 (5 years this week)
How do you know when something VERY BIG is about to drop?
You have more than you know.

If you take the capital letters TCC you get a GV of 156. This could have a few different meanings, but I think it represents "the end." Z is the last letter of the alphabet and has a GV of 156. On 7/24,
@VincentKennedy posted that concluded with "And end with Z."

So, one could take this to mean, "Something VERY BIG is about to drop--the end is near. Comms are good. Operational."

Just my theory--draw your own conclusions.


Breaker of the #TrumpCode | Stable Genius | America First | Taxation = Theft | History is a Lie | Liberty And Justice For All!

Last night at 11:16 PM EST, President Trump posted a clip with the caption, "TOGETHER, WE WILL MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!"

He then posted again 6 minutes later at 11:22 PM EST. GV of the capital letters (excluding words in all caps) is 804.

804 > Q Drop 804

Delta [6] Confirmed. 6 minute delta between the posts.


Breaker of the #TrumpCode | Stable Genius | America First | Taxation = Theft | History is a Lie | Liberty And Justice For All!

President Trump post from 6:06 PM EST on TS.
GV = 1584

1585 > Q Drop 1584

5:5 > 4/5/2018 (5y, 5m tomorrow) > Q Drop 1028
Q Drop 1028
Q +

Also on 4/5/2018, Q Drop 1032
Q 1032:
Think Navy Ship crashes.
Bigger than you know.
We ARE active.

Looking at the capital letters in 1032, we get TNS B WARE.

Is this a reference to Bryan Ware, who stepped down [forced?] as the DHS Senior Cybersecurity official in Nov. 2020 (NCSWIC)


Perhaps a reference to one of Crooked Joe's aliases, JRB Ware.


Breaker of the #TrumpCode | Stable Genius | America First | Taxation = Theft | History is a Lie | Liberty And Justice For All!

Mind blowing connections and a new theory on
@VincentKennedy 's Bio note of "America Pissed Level 9.589/10."

A very deliberate choice of words. Could APL be Apple?

I did a little research on Apple 9.589 and found a couple of software packages that could be related. The first is "iPhone PC Suite ( This is an apparent Chinese program that It allows you to upload and download images to and from your phone's camera, send SMS messages from your computer through you iPhone and even manage eBooks, SMS messages, call logs and more.

On 8/30, VK made a post regarding a sample meal plan. I noted that the arrangement of capital letters seemed intentional. In the first column, you have "SMMSMS." Could that be a bread crumb for SMS (Secure Messaging Service) and MMS (Multimedia Messaging)--both of which connect back to the iPhone PC Suite. I have thoughts on the other letters too, but nothing that is glaringly obvious yet.

Breaker of the #TrumpCode | Stable Genius | America First | Taxation = Theft | History is a Lie | Liberty And Justice For All!

Breaker of the #TrumpCode | Stable Genius | America First | Taxation = Theft | History is a Lie | Liberty And Justice For All!

Hello Anons. New here as of today--on Twitter with the same handle@LoD_STL

Breaker of the #TrumpCode | Stable Genius | America First | Taxation = Theft | History is a Lie | Liberty And Justice For All!

I started digging a little deeper into the "Chemicals" posts and made some interesting connections. Not sure the meaning just yet or if the connections are accurate. You take a look and give me your thoughts!

Q Drop 1010
4/4/2018--5:5 marker exactly tomorrow (5y/5m)

This drop was referenced again in Q Drop 2847 with a link to an article from Science News, "Why kids may be at risk from vinyl floors and fire-resistant couches."

From there, I started doing some research and came across Polyvinylpyrrolidone [(C6H9NO)n] (a chemical used as a binder in many pharmaceutical tablets and also plays a role in the electrochemical performance of Lithium-ion batteries). AKA PVP.