Billy Lagrange
@LetsQthisNotice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273

thank you for that input. good to know

You decide what disinformation and fake news are. That's all that's not on your agenda.
Trump changed his motto from "Make America Great again" to "Save America." He's telling people that we have to save America from the Deep State.

Sidney Powell will not allow himself to concede even in the Supreme Court. She told her followers that she would not allow fraud and would very soon present irrefutable evidence.
When President Trump was in power, Obama acted as a shadow president in the background, trying to resist. Trump is now doing the same thing. He just turned the table over. Now he's the shadow president.
Everything that happens should tell us that the plan is working. They didn't leave us. They just let them play the game. We are Human Beings and we all feel it, we become stronger, more confident and more responsible. The stage is being prepared. Everything is under the control of the Patriots.
The American people understand what Biden is doing, and they don't approve of it. Why is he stopping Trump's Operation Claw, which targets sex offenders living illegally in the US? Even those who chose it do not understand this. US citizens also see who he introduces to his team.

here is an excellent article on it

especially on Twitter.

i certainly do not miss fb just but i do miss the contacts i had there

Lost my 10k on 2 fb accounts. Both accounts were deleted but I do still have a Twitter if there is anyone you need to get in touch with. I'm also on Gab and telegram if you would like that info.

probably showed him a not stating you are on the HC list now

are you on telegram? if so can you post a link?
feel free to join me at
Telegram Group
The Group chat
Understanding mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines | CDC
Get the facts about COVID-19 mRNA vaccines and how they work.
mRNA technology is being tested on many different diseases, expect to be pushed by the media/Wall Street machine into getting more and more jabs for various ailments
So if what I'm reading is accurate, the entire human population is being asked by the wall street/media feedback loop to be genetically reprogrammed by a brand new, experimental treatment of questionable efficacy that causes serious side effects including DEATH all for a disease that has a 99.9% survival rate.
What could go wrong?

Both are unproven, and have not completed clinical trials (who needs clinical trials when you have the entire global population to test on)
-Not only are the covid vaccines unproven, the treatment itself (mRNA) is only a few years old
-Both companies are traded on wall street with hedge funds being the main shareholders
-mRNA treatments are widely tested on animals
-the source of the mRNA originates from aborted babies (but like, a long time ago so it's not unethical, they say. See ref below)
-mRNA technology is being tested on many different diseases, expect to be pushed by the media/Wal

they could synthetically pay for the development cost by acquiring the underlying asset. For example, if the firm purchased $5B of Bitcoin (20-25 days of cash flow), the price of the underlying asset would need to rise by 10% for the firm to fully fund the entire project in the first place! This is a solid value proposition in our view as the business would be funded without diluting any other projects at the firm.

newsmax garbage.. I'm still a fan of OAN though

that would have been great!

these people are sick!

🔹ONE: Nano-sensors, implanted in the body and brain, would issue real time data-reports on body/brain functioning to OPERATIONS Centres
🔺TWO: And from those OPERATIONS centers, data—including instructions—would be sent back to the nano-sensors, which would impose those instructions on the brain and body.”

thanks for all you do! do you have accounts anywhere else as a backup?
Telegram Group
The Group chat

you to keep your law license. While giving the fisa court a " get out of jail free card", it's not our fault we We were misled. That's why he was convicted at all, probation or otherwise, to protect the fisa court and give them an excuse.

White House went dark for the 10th night in a row.

Prohibitive taxes on arms and ammunition are proposed
As well as making all firearm transactions non-transferable. Meaning you can never sell a firearm, it has to be turned in to the government if you want to buy another one, because they intend to limit the amount you can own.
I am told Pelosi helped write these.