Awake Aware
@AwakeawareObserver. Believer. American. Private citizen. Pro free speech, free thought and freedom from tyrannical governments

Victoria ~ Z Sk..
@Victoria1144Mama, Wife & Truther who wants to go Home to Real Space. Love my family & freedom. I am old(er) and have no pati...

4 Hope Health n..
@4HHnHRed Pill Revelations. RN, Wife, Mother, Daughter, and most importantly: I❤️Jesus Christ! 🌈🕊My King👑 My ROCK!

Judy Stauderman..
@Judy5831Christian- Retired/financial industry-US Patriot and loyal Trump supporter! We all need to make a difference where we c...

@UNDERCOVERUSA🚨Undercover USA is your go-to source for uncovering the untold stories and hidden gems across the United States 🇺🇸

Julie Que
@JulieQueLouisiana wife, mom, grandma, and Anon fren & an American Patriot! Willing to do my part to redpill all that I can! ...

Agents of Truth
@AgentsoftruthBringing to light the hidden realities, waking up the sleepers. Truthers fighting against the New World Order.

Jet Trammell
@MagaSoulJesus is my King. I stand with Trump, patriots, peace, truth. Fav letter is Q

Nina Patriot
@NinaPatriotGod, Family, Country, pure blood https://gab.com/PatriotNina https://truthsocial.com/@patriotNina

Green-eyed Katt
@greeneyedkattKind heart. ♥️ Fierce mind. 🌺 Brave spirit. 🌺🌺 Galatians 2:20. ✝️ Married to @55QPatriot. ♥️ Family. ♥️ Patriot. 🇺🇸 Trum...

Kathy Jean
@Kat113Patriot. Veteran. I believe in the power of prayer. Faith moves mountains. Donald J Trump is still my President ❤ Never ...


Heidi Kruse
@HKruse74I'm married with the grown children, 1 dog and 3 cats. I'm just starting to question things and trying to figure out th...

Stephanie Harfo..
@harfordstephanieI'm a lover of all things creative and passionate about photography. I believe that every moment is worth capturing and ...

Mrs. Brown
@tcbpatriotWoman of God, believe in common sense, love the USA, and also PRESIDENT TRUMP!!!

Who to follow
Vincent Ke..
@VincentKennedy -
Ghost Ezra
@GhostEzra -
Jimbo 66 ✓..
@Jimbo0566 -
Santa Surf..
@SantaSurfing -
Doq Hollid..
@doqholliday -
Kim Runner
@kimrunner - Show more