Larson Robert
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#Trump #MAGA |Data Analyst|Critical Thinker|Avid Investor|Cryptocurrency Enthusiast|Trump Lover|father and grandfather🇦🇺🇺🇲🇨🇦WWG1WWGA

#Trump #MAGA |Data Analyst|Critical Thinker|Avid Investor|Cryptocurrency Enthusiast|Trump Lover|father and grandfather🇦🇺🇺🇲🇨🇦WWG1WWGA

Never Forget Why This War Was Started It Is All About Saving The Children

7-7-21 Let’s recap today so far
—President Trump is bringing a Class Action Suit
for Trillions of $s against
—The President of Haiti & his wife have died from an “attack”
Haiti is one of the biggest Child Trafficking hubs in the world.
—Pennsylvania Audit greenlighted
—Georgia & Arizona Audits going strong
Would you like to play a game of Dominoes? 😹🎲💥💥💥
🔥 Juan O Savin
“Soros is a Brit Operative working for MI6
he’s just a shell.
What do you think Zuckerberg is?
Zuckerberg didn’t create Facebook.
FB is a DARPA Operation
[Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.]
The day they shut down the DARPA project
that was mature enough
They handed it over to one of their shills
& took the company into this public realm.
You think Zuckerberg invented all that?
The Winklevoss twins?
They didn’t have anything more to do with it
than Zuckerberg did.”

Les géants de la technologie font passer le profit avant la sécurité des enfants déplore un chef de police sortant | Enfants | Epoch Times
Les réseaux sociaux pourraient rendre le partage d'images indécentes beaucoup plus difficile pour les pédophiles, mais, ils choisissent ...
La cloche de la liberté humaine ; 25 000 officiers et hommes à Camp Dix, New Jersey ; Le général Hugh L. Scott, commandant.
The Human Liberty Bell; 25000 officers and men at Camp Dix, New Jersey; General Hugh L. Scott, comdr. | Library of Congress
1 photographic print. | Formation photograph.
Jude 1:23, Save others by snatching them from the fire; have mercy on others but with fear, hating even the garment defiled by the flesh
I pray that you have the courage to feel how you feel and to know that you are coming through this. Your suffering is not in vain, it's a season, and all seasons pass with a new one on the way. I speak healing over your life. I speak peace over your life. I speak power over your life. I pray that you will receive this in the depth of your soul and you would know all will be well.

“Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335 days.”
Daniel 12:12 NIV

Jude 1:23, Save others by snatching them from the fire; have mercy on others but with fear, hating even the garment defiled by the flesh
Jesus, your name is power
It's breath and living water
And your spirit guides me
To the heart of the Father
Let your praise ring louder
Everyday and every hour.

Child of God, Christ-follower, US Army Airborne Veteran, Patriot Sheepdog,
Psalm 68:4-5 (New King James Version)
Sing to God, sing praises to His name; Extol Him who rides on the clouds, By His name Yah, And rejoice before Him. A father of the fatherless, a defender of widows, Is God in His holy habitation.

Child of God, Christ-follower, US Army Airborne Veteran, Patriot Sheepdog,
Walking Through the Dark Times - In Touch Ministries - Charles Stanley
Psalm 105:16-24
Did you ever peek ahead to the end of a story because you just couldn’t wait for the conclusion? This is oftentimes what we long to do in our own life, especially in difficult seasons. We want to know when our affliction will end. But only God knows the future, so we must learn to trust Him in the meantime.
Joseph probably wished he could glance into the future to find out when his life would stop spiraling downward. Between the hatred of his brothers who sold him into slavery, the anger and lies of his master’s wife, and incarceration that left him languishing, it would have been easy for Joseph to lose hope. Those 13 years of his life must have seemed like an eternity.
Even though Joseph couldn’t see the future, God was with him every step of the way. And at the end of the dark years, he proclaimed he had learned that “God meant it for good” (Gen. 50:20).
We can’t avoid trials. But

Child of God, Christ-follower, US Army Airborne Veteran, Patriot Sheepdog,
Looking Beyond Externals - Drawing Near - John MacArthur
"My brethren, do not hold your faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ with an attitude of personal favoritism" (James 2:1).
Your true worth is based on the value of your soul, not on external considerations.
Jesus is "our glorious Lord" (James 2:1)—the Sovereign One who rules over all His creation, and the One in whom the fullness of God's glory is revealed. John said, "The Word [Jesus] became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth" (John 1:14). Paul said, "In Him all the fulness of Deity dwells in bodily form" (Col. 2:9).
As God, Jesus shares the impartiality of the Father. He knows that a person's worth is based on the value of his soul, not on external considerations. That's why He always looks on the heart and never judges on externals alone.
That was evident in the way Jesus dealt with sinners when He was still on earth. He neve

Child of God, Christ-follower, US Army Airborne Veteran, Patriot Sheepdog,
Ephesians 6:4 (New King James Version)
And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord.

Just trying to find the truth that has been hidden from us
The Morning Journal
Ohio citizens group sues state over Vax-A-Million lottery to encourage vaccinations
Ohio citizens group sues state over Vax-A-Million lottery to encourage vaccinations | Cuyahoga County |
A citizen’s group is suing Ohio alleging the Vax-A-Million lottery campaign encouraging individuals to get vaccinated is illegal and is an unconstitutional use of taxpayer money.
Mama, Wife & Truther who wants to go Home to Real Space. Love my family & freedom. I am old(er) and have no patience for deception. MPL=10.

THe TWiTLeR ViRuS... | ZeroHedge
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero
Child of God. Warrior of Truth. Trump Supporter🇺🇸. Greek Patriot🇬🇷. Every lie will be revealed.#TeamLin.Trust The Plan. GOD WINS.

OUR GOD IS AWESOME🙏 Love and Light for you today Anons❤️🕯

Nothing special to note, except for our strong defense of freedom and life

Former Twitter Namaste Howard Marks Rule your Mind or it will Rule you

Electronic Audiovisual Artist (Dj - Producer - Audiovisual - Photography) 432 Hz

Well it appears that the Discovery Channel is all about BLM. Time to BOYCOTT the Marxist station . GOOD BYE DISCOVERY CHANNEL

GOD bless ya'll good ones, dipping for a minute. YA'LL kick ass, I know you are. AMEN>

God fearing Patriot.Fed up with the insanity!MI lets get together.Married.NO DM
funny but Im still not giving up my guns