Patriotic Realt..
@PatrioticRealtorWWG1WGA, TRUMP2020+ Proud Army Colonel's Daughter, LOVE GOD, My Family and My Country!

Mike Jeffrey
@Mikejeffrey2468And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. 1 ...

Paula Taylor
@paulamjohnsFighting the fight to save my kids, grandkids and their grandchildren. Removed from FB and twitter - consider it a badg...

@MarineLEOMomChristJesusisLord TwitterCriminal permanent suspension: Darlene@Darlene20503600 b/c I retweeted?? #SaveTheChildren !!

Mary Elizabeth
@Whistlebeth🇺🇸❤️🤍💙🇺🇸 Pure-Moxy, American Patriot, Texan, Plant-Lady, Girl-Plumber 🇺🇸❤️🤍💙🇺🇸

Susan Taapken
@SusyTGod, Family and President Trump. I'm a Mom, Nana, Veteran, Patriot. a Mom, Grandma, Conservative, Prior Military Ve...

The Intercessor
@Justice4AllCQHello Patriots! I am the same Intercessor from Twitter. Was united with 26000+ Patriots there! #BendedKnee #SOPT17 #WWG1...

Trump Won
@TrumpWon45Warrior for Truth & Justice Greatest move of God is upon us Trump IS President #WWG1WGA

Trustn Believe
@GodsGraciousGiftGod's daughter, mom and grand mom. Lets make America better than she has ever been and help one another along our journe...

Kristopher Ande..
@kandercLOVE IS THE PEACE AND HARMONY TO ALL THINGS..........A New Age and A New World is Dawning💚🌟💚...... FamILY is Everyth1ng....

Aaron Campbell
@Aaron_CampbellAmerica without its digital soldiers would be like God without His Angels we’re all here at this time for a purpose ! L...

HTG TheolddoG
@HTGthelapisThe Great Awakening, Trump ... and Q - Photographer, Writer ... Motorcycles! Virgin Mary, Parsifal Jinpa movie, wwg1wga...

metal master
@metalmasterConservative metalhead. Christian. So much more to say but it would just be bragging!

Keyboard Warrio..
@TruefighterExposing Govt Corruption, Truth Seeker, Lover of Christ, 🇺🇸USAF Veteran✈️ #WWG1WGA #GodWins #SaveAmerica #MAGA #Savethec...

Trilby Smith
@Trilby_Smith144Lyran Warrior Helping To Liberate The Planet...T H E L I G H T S Y S T E M...I'm In The Future...5th Angel........

Who to follow
Vincent Ke..
@VincentKennedy -
Ghost Ezra
@GhostEzra -
Jimbo 66 ✓..
@Jimbo0566 -
Santa Surf..
@SantaSurfing -
Doq Hollid..
@doqholliday -
Kim Runner
@kimrunner - Show more