@NIKKO_VICTORIOUSCreek Runner, Truth Seeker, Follower of Christ... Wife, Mother, Grandmother... LOVE MY TRIBE!!! Twitter @NikkoVi...

Mama Tee
@MamaTGraphic Artist & Illustrator - Authorized Minister - US Navy Wife - Former Instructor - US NAVY TAP - CEO - Proud Pa...

Lady Blueeyes
@LadyblueeyesProud to call myself awake & a Patriot. Planting seeds when I can. Joined AU after the Twitter Purge of '21. ...

Amanda Florida ..
@AmandaMAGAThey cheated, President Trump won! Army Vet, Wife of Army Vet, and Mother of 3 & 1 is a Marine. Jesus is my Savior! ...

:Pi-and: Cycles..
@Pi_n_Cycleseep opp ork ahah because the world need more love in it listen Hopi elders and know their prophecy TRUST GOD THE CREATOR...

Bergers Book Re..
@BergersBookRevBook reviewer, proud Patriot, and happily married Christian from Pennsylvania. No DMs please. BergersBookRev on TS and T...

Seekin Thetruth
@terrydale60Seekin The Truth 🇺🇸 I will not be silenced!!!! 🇺🇸God,💖Family,Country,🇺🇸🇺🇸Old School #Savethechildren 👫I follow all with ...

Rose Keller
@Rose739Pursuer of TRUTH/ Never 2 old 2 care or 2 young to question/A Natural Health teacher/Expat 4 Pres. DJT & All Patriot...

Mikkee Writelik..
@Mikkee#MAGADONIAN Artist-Writer-Nature Heals- Clean Food/Clean Water- It's-About-The-Children It's A Movie GOD WON.

Lois Lane
@Desrev01Love My President/Forever Trump WWG1WGA #MAGA #SaveTheChildren #SaveTheCountry Patriot Who Loves The Lord. TRUST THE ...

John Oakson
@jo9857I HAVE SPENT SOME TIME IN THE TRENCHES OF LIFE!!! I am now a new creation in Jesus' learning many new things every ...

Who to follow
Vincent Ke..
@VincentKennedy -
Ghost Ezra
@GhostEzra -
Jimbo 66 ✓..
@Jimbo0566 -
Santa Surf..
@SantaSurfing -
Doq Hollid..
@doqholliday -
Kim Runner
@kimrunner - Show more