Tony _69
4 years ago

Tony _69

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I Love my country and I want it back! We need to save these kids! at all cost!! (W.W.G.1.W.G,A)

I Love my country and I want it back! We need to save these kids! at all cost!! (W.W.G.1.W.G,A)

In response Truth Seeker 4444 to his Publication

"The Son of Perdition" - Who opposes and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshiped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.” (2 Thessalonians 2:3, 4). For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High” (Isaiah 14:12-14).

I Love my country and I want it back! We need to save these kids! at all cost!! (W.W.G.1.W.G,A)

In response sharon pasvant to her Publication

we all know what's going down. She's not in control.

I Love my country and I want it back! We need to save these kids! at all cost!! (W.W.G.1.W.G,A)

In response James Dean to his Publication

Sorry! I have no idea!. I just liked the picture and posted it.

I Love my country and I want it back! We need to save these kids! at all cost!! (W.W.G.1.W.G,A)

In response Aus Sco to his Publication

I'm a postal worker and I will not be getting the jab.

I Love my country and I want it back! We need to save these kids! at all cost!! (W.W.G.1.W.G,A)

On January 14, Donald Trump would sign the act known in the United States as “Insurrection Act”, which confers special emergency powers to the President of the United States in order to quell rebellions and acts that can harm the sovereignty of the country.

I Love my country and I want it back! We need to save these kids! at all cost!! (W.W.G.1.W.G,A)

Trump "never conceded". It was a stolen election. The Military is investigating the outcome and they're in control. He will be reinstated mark my words.

I Love my country and I want it back! We need to save these kids! at all cost!! (W.W.G.1.W.G,A)

In response Miss Wide Awake to her Publication

My bad! I miss understood it. I thought the white hats was going to fake his death.

I Love my country and I want it back! We need to save these kids! at all cost!! (W.W.G.1.W.G,A)

In response Miss Wide Awake to her Publication

I don't get it. Why would they do that?

I Love my country and I want it back! We need to save these kids! at all cost!! (W.W.G.1.W.G,A)


I Love my country and I want it back! We need to save these kids! at all cost!! (W.W.G.1.W.G,A)

Telegram ( )

I Love my country and I want it back! We need to save these kids! at all cost!! (W.W.G.1.W.G,A)

In response Sarah Sue to her Publication

i'm not a financial planner and i do not want to give you advice on how to invest your money. but i took some my money out and brought some precious metals like gold and silver. once the market crashes 1 oz of silver will be worth at least 5000 dollars. silver will fore pass gold because silver has great electric conductivity .Everything from satellites, cell phones , electronics and different technologies that's coming out in the near future will use silver. companies will pay top dollars for for it since there is shortage of silver compare to gold. They said silver can reach up to 30,000 to 40,000 dollars for 1 ounce. something to think about. especially since silver is only at 27 dollars an ounce.

I Love my country and I want it back! We need to save these kids! at all cost!! (W.W.G.1.W.G,A)

In response MATTHEW Bissanti to his Publication

How is it a lie?

I Love my country and I want it back! We need to save these kids! at all cost!! (W.W.G.1.W.G,A)

In response Tony _69 to his Publication

123= 33

I Love my country and I want it back! We need to save these kids! at all cost!! (W.W.G.1.W.G,A)

In response Stephanie Foster to her Publication

I Love my country and I want it back! We need to save these kids! at all cost!! (W.W.G.1.W.G,A)

In response Stephanie Foster to her Publication

I Love my country and I want it back! We need to save these kids! at all cost!! (W.W.G.1.W.G,A)

In response Stephanie Foster to her Publication

We also got the wine.

I Love my country and I want it back! We need to save these kids! at all cost!! (W.W.G.1.W.G,A)

In response Stephanie Foster to her Publication


I Love my country and I want it back! We need to save these kids! at all cost!! (W.W.G.1.W.G,A)

In response Stephanie Foster to her Publication

I Love my country and I want it back! We need to save these kids! at all cost!! (W.W.G.1.W.G,A)

In response Stephanie Foster to her Publication

That's one!

I Love my country and I want it back! We need to save these kids! at all cost!! (W.W.G.1.W.G,A)

In response Crimson Revolver to his Publication

The eyes are the window of your soul and his soul is gone.

I Love my country and I want it back! We need to save these kids! at all cost!! (W.W.G.1.W.G,A)

In response Joey DarktoLight to his Publication

This picture is from the show Designated Survivor.....(But Biden is definitely doing this)......

I Love my country and I want it back! We need to save these kids! at all cost!! (W.W.G.1.W.G,A)

In response Sparkle Green to her Publication

Your search engine whether it's google or some other government run site doesn't want you to share or know the truth..

I Love my country and I want it back! We need to save these kids! at all cost!! (W.W.G.1.W.G,A)

In response Aguaraguazu 777 to his Publication

yeah you have to go to advance then it says continue to (unsafe)

I Love my country and I want it back! We need to save these kids! at all cost!! (W.W.G.1.W.G,A)

In response MzMidniteRider333 ... to her Publication

I Love my country and I want it back! We need to save these kids! at all cost!! (W.W.G.1.W.G,A)

In response Truth Seeker 4444 to his Publication

I Love my country and I want it back! We need to save these kids! at all cost!! (W.W.G.1.W.G,A)

In response Truth Seeker 4444 to his Publication

Yeah! only thermite (cutting explosives ) can leave molten metal evidence.

I Love my country and I want it back! We need to save these kids! at all cost!! (W.W.G.1.W.G,A)

In response JFK 2 DJT to his Publication

The show Designated Survivor

I Love my country and I want it back! We need to save these kids! at all cost!! (W.W.G.1.W.G,A)

In response shari vdk to her Publication

from the show Designated Survivor.. It just go's to show you how easily Biden's movie is paying out..

I Love my country and I want it back! We need to save these kids! at all cost!! (W.W.G.1.W.G,A)

In response Mimi Morris to her Publication

yeah the ages 3 months and up is a big red flag!.🤬

I Love my country and I want it back! We need to save these kids! at all cost!! (W.W.G.1.W.G,A)

In response Melanie Rieger to her Publication

Because they wont.! The media is run by the deep state. The deep state is part of this ..Just like they wont let reporters see the crisses at the boader.They only want you to see what they want you to see.. Dont watch the MSM iit's fake.