Jadine Justice
5 hours ago

Jadine Justice

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Pirates had hideouts and treasure maps, because they needed to protect their families and those they rescued. They also needed places to store and then redistribute gold, goods and weapons. It was like an underground railroad movement, but global. They were a more militaristic Robin Hood collective. They strategized and had a military manual.
The spirit of pirates still lives on in those who live off-grid and in vans/RVs, preppers, Anonymous, WikiLeaks, Truthers, conspiracy researchers, and counter-infiltrators.
Pirates did need to send spies and infiltrators to recruit more military men and discover how the satanic cabal was going to respond to their moves. The pirates were disrupting their money flow and power.

Don't they sound like the Earth Alliance? The only difference is that the military dissidents decided to take over the military instead of leaving it... And then they put their own Commander In Chief.

Trust the plan.

The satanic cabal had created an upside-down world that needs to be flipped right side up.

I'd like to right side up some false narratives.

Pirates were not drunkard ruthless outlaws, who stole for their own greed.
I connected with the collective consciousness of all pirates and their origin story.
Centuries ago, more and more disillusioned military men decided that they no longer wanted to be used, abused nor exploited by those who trafficked in slavery, drugs, and weapons. The cabal also ruthlessly monopolized all other trades including the routes.
Pirates were the military dissidents, who were anti-overlords and anti-government. Everything was extremely corrupt.
Pirates had a prime intention which was FREEDOM.
They had strong families and helped those exploited/suffering under the tyranny. They sunk ships trafficking in opium and other drugs, rescued people from slave ships, and confiscated ships transporting and trafficking weapons as well as stolen goods and gold.

With the hype of "The End of Times" and "Biblical Times' Judgement Day," the human collective energy, today, is FEAR.

Fear makes humans more controllable and manipulatable.

Those who believe in the heaven and hell judgement paradigm fear meeting God, as well as any true evidence of God's existence, even when they pray for it.

They fear facing the TRUTH of a CREATOR, because they feel they have failed to protect children and be authentic, in complete divine integrity.

Another irony in the human collective energy is the desire for vengeance as DIVINE judgement and justice, yet fear facing their own inner darkness/hell that they have the power to heal/resolve and ascend out of.

It's time to release all fear, guilt and shame perpetrated upon you.

What do you beLIEve versus what is TRUTH.

Be truly FREE.

Be the AUTHORity of your story.

Epigenetics = generational traumas inherited within DNA

Break the cycles of trauma.

Purification and upgrades:
Father's lineage
SACRAL and solar plexus playlist
Third eye chakra

Ancestral Line Clearing | Base Chakra - Fathers Lineage | Light Language Activation & Energy Healing - YouTube

Welcome to a series I was inspired to create through a clients session, and one I feel very excited to share with others. An ancestral line clearing, where e...

Your DNA has been hacked.

Purification and upgrades are in progress for the Ascension.

Light Language does both.


YOU have multidimensional DIVINE DNA.

Purification --> Ascension

Commit to your Ascension process.

CREATION Energy = SEXUAL Energy.


Harness your sexual energy to create heaven on earth and internally.

Purification is necessary to prevent miscreating hell on earth and internally.

A partner is NOT necessary.

2 purified souls unifying can create an orgasmic synergy of DIVINE LOVE spread across the Collective.

Fear is used to block and distort the ROOT chakra.

Safety, security and belongingness/unity are root/base needs.

Fear distorts the inner AUTHORity and strength/confidence/awareness.

Who has controlled and continues to manipulate your inner NARRATIVE?

Activate your inner children to re-create your inner world of destitution and underworldly hell to a paradise/heaven.

Re-parent your inner children to step into their limitless superpowers and re-imagine their circumstances as infinite possibilities for fun and loving adventures.

Teach your inner children that they are limitless and infinitely powerful. They create their inner world, so make it from self-love rather than pain and victimhood.

Re-mind your inner children (and yourself) that they are the DIVINE CREATOR'S CREATION, the SPARK of the DIVINE, with the same Creatorship powers and passion to create.

When your inner world is limitless and heavenly, then your outer world will reflect that, because the Free Flowing pure CREATOR energies will manifest a reality from your sacred heart.

ROOT and SACRAL chakra purification is necessary to begin the full purification of the soul to activate one's full embodiment of Creatorship powers/abilities.


You were born to CREATE.

Your I-MAGI-NATION is your superpower.

The following playlist will catalyze the ascension process to the highest timeline for men and women.


Goddess Channeling - Feminine Sexual Energy Ascension | Root Chakra (Oracle /Sound Healing) - YouTube

This Goddess Channeling (Oracle /Sound Healing) - Feminine Sexual Energy | Root Chakra Transmission, Is Day 1 Of The Sexual Energy Ascension Cycle.Where The...

MisCreations of blocked and distorted ROOT and SACRAL chakras includes a CULTure with child sexual abuse/incest/trafficking, BDSM, pornography/snuff films, strip clubs, hook-up CULTure/promiscuity, rape/gand rape trains, sodomy, blackmail/extortion, war, dictatorships, sexual repression/oppression, sex cults, religious/satanic fanaticism/cults, terrorists, dysfunctional families, infertility/sexual dysfunction, organized criminality and substance abuse /escapism addictions.

Fear is a PLANdemic.

Sexual pollution and stigmatization are a PLANdemic.

The ROOT of ALL evil is a blocked and distorted ROOT and SACRAL chakras.

What frequency has the moon been sending that can sync a female's menstrual cycle with it's new or full moon cycles?

With the original divine blueprint / DNA of higher consciousness human beings, parents were in communication with the soul, they agreed to bring into the world and parent, before conception. The soul would choose his/her birth name and birthday.

Traumatized children tend to create negative core beliefs about themselves, their place in the world they live in, and the world itself, including the spirit realm.

Re-parenting inner children is taking full responsibility for the NARRATIVES you and they are living.

Re-parenting is releasing maladaptive behaviors and coping strategies and learning the truth about oneself and how to be true to oneself.
Integrity is living honestly internally and externally.

Your experiences are based on your root stories, which most likely were seeded from trauma, unresolved painful experiences.

Self-love is self-care and truly listening internally in order to truly align with your eternal soul self.

Oneness is self-love and unconditional love that aligns you to truly see and hear others beyond their ego personalities.

Unity consciousness is Oneness.

All co-dependent people, who attract a narcissist(s) into their lives, have an inner narcissist(s) whom they have ignored and rejected (and even hated and condemned), who needs to be healed and rescued. Instead of trying to heal or "rescue" the external person, it is essential to heal and rescue the internal aspect(s) of oneself, which means to resolve the root trauma(s) and negative core beliefs that spawned from it.

All narcissistic people, who attract a co-dependent(s) into their lives, have an inner co-dependent(s) whom they have ignored and rejected (and even hated for being seen as needy, weak, fearful, or vulnerable), who needs to be re-parented with love and compassion. Instead of trying to control and punish the external person,
(or even trying to beat the victimhood or "weakness" out of them), it is essential to heal and rescue the internal aspect(s) of oneself, which means to resolve the root trauma(s) and negative core beliefs that spawned from it.

With the original divine blueprint / DNA of higher consciousness human beings, the females did not menstruate at all. When a woman consciously wanted to procreate, she would consciously drop an egg/ovum and consciously choose a mate to have sex with.
Women would have never fathomed the concept of birth control nor abortions nor adoptions.
Procreation was a sacred conscious and conscientious choice.


My older Light Language recordings. Very powerful and relevant.

Light Language folder
Feel free to download and listen to them multiple times. Remember to hydrate after each listen.

It is crucial to help and re-parent your inner children. Most are trapped in time and space and need to know that you are the adult who will keep them safe, nurture, comfort and stand up for them.