Bill Dee
3 years ago

Bill Dee

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Plant seeds. Live by Faith, Free The Children. This is a WAR of HALOS vs Pitchforks & GOD WINS ALL WAYS

Thanks for the follow Ray Kegley, Storm Tracker, Ask Yourself, Mr.Deeds1111, Cathy Holladay, Pamela TX17, michael griggs, QPatriot 1776, Jonella Moore, Bad Brah, Searching 4Trut.. Jacki Maxwell, Monkey Werks, james wafer, LQve Trump, Jlight 1111, Jimbo_66, Lane Rae,

Plant seeds. Live by Faith, Free The Children. This is a WAR of HALOS vs Pitchforks & GOD WINS ALL WAYS

Thank- YOU ALL for the follow: Reccared WWG1WG.., Raisin Cain, April Leigh, Q_Pi Anon, vDarkness Falls, Showpony Farm. I wasnt going to start over doing twittery things again and just stay on the chans, but after praying about I am again. So GOD Bless YOU ALL

Plant seeds. Live by Faith, Free The Children. This is a WAR of HALOS vs Pitchforks & GOD WINS ALL WAYS

😍Thank GOD I found EyeDrop Media. After a stressful day I relax to you BRILLIANT Work to make me laugh. I am forever in your debt. GOD Bless YOU.

Plant seeds. Live by Faith, Free The Children. This is a WAR of HALOS vs Pitchforks & GOD WINS ALL WAYS

🙏Thank You Momma Bear for the follow. GOD Bless You

Plant seeds. Live by Faith, Free The Children. This is a WAR of HALOS vs Pitchforks & GOD WINS ALL WAYS

😇Thank You for the follow joe Mckee. GOD Bless You.

If they stand behind you protect them. If they stand beside you respect them. If [they] stand against you, show no mercy!

i am hereby, renewing my oath.
i Anon, do solemnly swear that i will support and defend the Constitution of the United States, against all enemies foreign and domestic; that i will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that i take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; that i will well & faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which i am about to enter; so help me God.

You're welcome!@TheStormIsUponUs did an excellent job!!! 🙏🏼✝️

🍿Enjoy the show!🍿

🔥Here's some fuego.🔥