Booms Incoming
2 months ago

Booms Incoming

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Gregg Phillips (who led the technical research behind the#2000mules documentary) says he has new findings that are "more explosive than the mules" & are "10x more likely to divide this country even further". He says it's a "multinational deal that involves billions of dollars".

Interesting report that Dr. Peter McCollough identifies which suggests the risk of ☠️ from the 💉 is greater than the risk of ☠️ from the 🦠. Essentially, it offers such little protection vs. those who didn't get it (absolute risk reduction), that the number of adverse reactions offsets any "benefit".


Note that the article is focused around children, but Dr. McCollough suggests that the phenomenon is present across all age groups.

DailyMail UK reports that Joe Biden might become a part of the FBI's investigation into#HunterBiden 's finances (potentially as well as foreign business relations & money laundering) after it was discovered that the president/former VP shared a bank account with his troubled son.

Jim Hoft talks about the retired Green Beret who had 20 FBI vehicles show up to his home and take him to jail EIGHT MONTHS AFTER Jan. 6th -- after he declined to be an informant for them. Hoft notes multiple people have also had the FBI ask them to be an informant.#January6th

Rachel Hamm noted that in one California polling location, 70% of the voters "who showed up to vote were told that somebody had already voted in their name." #recallnewsom#CaliforniaRecall#CaliforniaRecallElection

BREAKING: Heather Mullins from Real America's Voice expected to surface video from GA showing 240 ballot traffickers dumping backpacks full of ballots into drop boxes in the night in Gwinnett, Cobb, Fulton & Dekalb counties. Suspects averaged 24 drop boxes each, a violation of harvesting laws.#ElectionFraud

JUST IN: Mike Lindell says he was attacked Wednesday night at his hotel, and that someone who came with Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters had their home raided around 10:30 PM.#CyberSymposium

Ron Watkins (AKA CodeMonkeyZ) walks through the voting machine "de-hardening" batch file / script and notes that it removes the protection and encryption of the voting machine database through calls and the creation of a registry file.#CyberSymposium

Using forensic voting machine "images", it was noted that a "de-hardening" batch script was in place both before & after the election. It is believed this could be used to reduce the security of the machines.


Using pre- & post-election forensic images of the D0m1n10n machines from#MesaCounty, the election databases were located and it was noted that they were removed post-election, which seems to be a failure to maintain custody of essential 2020 election information.#CyberSymposium

BREAKING: Heather Mullins of Real America's Voice reports that duplicate#fultoncounty mail-in / absentee ballots resulted in ~2,500 excess ballots being credited to Joe Biden#audit#2020elections#ElectionFraud#ElectionAudit#FultonCountyAudit

BREAKING: Garland Favorito claims numerous issues found as a part of#FultonCountyAudit including an error rate of ~60%, falsified tally sheets with Biden having 200 votes to 0 for Trump, and a lack of chain of custody for 5K ballots.


BREAKING: Garland Favorito shows 1 of 7#fultoncounty ballot tally sheets that don't match the real results (showing Biden with 100, 150, or 200 votes to 0 for Trump). He noted numerous#ballots with the EXACT same markings & a 59.7% error rate of 40K line items.#ElectionFraud

Four Georgia election officials provided affidavits stating that tens of thousands of ballots were counterfeit on "pristine paper", 90% of which went for Joe Biden. They also discovered a 21% error rate during a forensic audit of ~140,000 ballots. 👇


Remember when the CDC said only 6% of C19 deaths were from C19 ALONE & the rest had multiple co-m0rbidities? They've updated it to 5% with an average of FOUR c0morbidities on the other 95%. Plus, false positives from high cycle thresholds = false C19 deaths.

Somebody in the fam just got three days of Facebook jail for posting this. That means one thing. SHARE.

The#MainstreamMedia continues to push the false narrative that#BrianSicknick died after being beaten with a fire extinguisher.


Growing up, math was my favorite subject. I was in advanced placement classes and was cruising through calculus. Despite my love for -- and understanding of -- numbers, I can't wrap my head around how two candidates could each get a fraction of a vote in a presidential election.

#absoluteproof: RussRamsland admits he knew going into the 2020 election that cyber election fraud was possible. He even predicted votes would "be injected" from parties overseas. He also destroys the#MainstreamMedia narrative that there is no evidence of fraud.

#absoluteproof: RussRamsland reveals how digital forensics / real-time monitoring showed how 57,000 votes / voter records were changed in the Dallas area in early voting ALONE.

#absoluteproof: Russ Ramsland talks about the insanely high adjudication rate seen after auditing a dominion voting machine (~83%), which was only surpassed by rates coming out of Fulton Co., GA (93%). An acceptable rate is .0008%.

#absoluteproof: Melissa Carone says that, despite working for more than 26 hours at a polling location, she didn't see a single ballot cast for Donald Trump amongst the thousands that were tabulated.

Information operations expert Col. Phil Waldron discusses how he & cybersecurity analysts saw a 26% shift in the vote in a Georgia county & wonders why the only group to have access to#DOMINION code is in#China, one of the foreign countries from where they saw vote manipulation.

#absoluteproof: Matthew Deperno reveals how a hand re-count in a small Michigan town gave us a glimpse into how the (intentionally?) flawed voting machines used in that county were wildly swinging votes from Donald Trump to Joe Biden.

#absoluteproof: Thousands of pages of data captured real-time across nearly 3,000 counties shows how foreign adversaries hacked into the voting machines & interfered with the 2020 election. More than 66% of the network traffic that infiltrated the systems came from China (like the virus). All of the altered vote counts favored Joe Biden / were detrimental to Donald Trump.

NEW: The repair shop owner who had the#HunterBidenLaptop discusses seeing "pay to play" content / Hunter using his father's position, and believes there is sufficient evidence that#joebiden would have been aware of what Hunter was up to in Ukraine / Burisma.

Not giving up. Q never said arrests would be made before the inauguration. In fact, he even posed the question -- what would happen if Biden would be installed in the White House (twice) while being corrupted by our enemies? Here we are. Read this image. Watch the video. Pray. This isn't over.

(1 of 2):

John Solomon discusses the "confessional" in which#ChristopherSteele reveals his motive for the false#RussiaHoax narrative -- to cover for HillaryClinton & because he saw Donald Trump as a threat to the UK (election interference).
Also: Fiona Hill sub-source


John Solomon tells Lou Dobbs he's still awaiting all of the#obamagate documents. He plans to work overnight to bring them to the American people before the inauguration. Adds he's still waiting for the#DurhamReport -- just like all of us.