Melissa Smith
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You're not weak. You're purging out old feelings, so that the new can step in. Be kind to yourself. (((hugs))) 🥰✌️

I have to thank you for ths. (As someone else mentioned) I'm guessing we're around the same age, and you have great taste in music (so I downloaded the list). The only thing missing was some metal. 😉✌️

I was just going to comment the same thing. 😂👍

I've been having that go through my head, and in my dreams for the last 3 days. 👍

I've never seen this, but a lot of it goes with what I know on a personal level, so I tend to believe most of it. Thanks for posting. 👍

I thought the same thing. She looks like she just crawled out of bed. 🤔


🤣🤣🤣 The troll level.

😄Joe likes ice cream... I'm sure it's a McFlurry.