Good Vibrations
2 years ago

Good Vibrations

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Anonymous patriot red pill dispenser

Anonymous patriot red pill dispenser

Focus your divine power and energy on the vision of a thriving happy society where mutual love fills everyone with joy.

Just like when you change a bad habit, you don't keep focusing on it and trying to resist it, instead you replace the bad habit with a good habit, and focus entirely on this new good habit.

Accept the new vision as the current state of now! Breathe love into it!

Anonymous patriot red pill dispenser

Forgivness is a principle of nature.

Its not something you do just once, and then forget it.

It is a prelude to prayer, and sets up a successful prayer.

Four things to forgive: Yourself, Others, Life, God.

Make forgiveness a regular part of your life and do it with a deep breath of love!

Anonymous patriot red pill dispenser

To manifest your desire, even with helping others and the world, make a clear picture in your mind of how life would be with your desire fulfilled. Feel the joy and relief, and acceptance that it is already fulfilled. Know that you have the power and authority to create this outcome since God is within. You have the right to create the life you desire in harmony with everything. Accept that your life is already that way, give thanks, and release the image with full confidence. ACT as if its already fulfilled!

Anonymous patriot red pill dispenser

God isn't a man on a throne granting wishes, but the universal field of consciousness we're all connected to.

Prayer isn't asking, but manifesting with thought and emotion as if it's already done.

Frequency attracts frequency. This is how reality works.

...kab taygeta, 4-29-2022

Anonymous patriot red pill dispenser

Breathe love and enthusiasm!

Anonymous patriot red pill dispenser

crop circles are proof we are not alone😃😃😃😃😃😃

Anonymous patriot red pill dispenser

Forgiveness is a principle of nature.

A cut on your finger will heal itself.

Learn from nature.

Learn from the small warnings. The knife hits your fingernail when cutting food. A car cuts you off and you become angry. You trip on the stairs.

Take a mental note of these small warnings and commit to learn from them.

Then you wont need bigger warnings to help you learn.

Anonymous patriot red pill dispenser

God is within you.

You have everything you need.



Anonymous patriot red pill dispenser

Its all good

Evil only has the power to destroy itself, and can only exist in lower dimensions.. This is where we are awakening from.

There is no power of evil that is equivalent to the power of good, or God. A kingdom divded against itself can not stand.

We are all creators using the power of the one infinite creator. Consciousness is an individualized part of God .. When you think, it is God thinking.

Anonymous patriot red pill dispenser

Imagine a world where everyone thrives, corruption is eliminated, and there is love between all humans.



Anonymous patriot red pill dispenser

Gratitude is an amazing power and propells the imagination in a positive direction.

Love influences your faith, which influences your imagination.

Anonymous patriot red pill dispenser

Everything you need is within.

Want to change the world? Start in your own consciousness.

Christ consciousness is the awareness that your consciousness is your own unique part of the universal creative power.

Since All is One, everything you see is YOU.

Anonymous patriot red pill dispenser

You wouldn't dig up a seed to see if its growing, that would be doubting the laws of nature and getting in their way.

When you use your desire to plant a seed of thought in the garden of your mind, don't doubt that it will grow. Rather, water the thought seed with love and faith.

Believe that what you desire is happening:


Anonymous patriot red pill dispenser

When you reach the point of certainty that what you desire will manifest, it gives you the following feeling:


Anonymous patriot red pill dispenser

Imagine the world you want to live in.

Breathe deep love into this vision.

Give thanks, and release it from your mind.

Anonymous patriot red pill dispenser

Thoughts create reality... not instantly in most cases.

Choose what you want to see.

Decide what you are looking for.

Quantum physics double slit experiment: light will be either a particle or a wave depending on what we set out to detect.

Anonymous patriot red pill dispenser

According to your faith, it is done unto you!

What an amazing concept. You don't have to force anyything to happen any more than you have to force a seed to grow.

Your imagination is always working. Love and faith help it work for you, and not against you.

You are a creator! Trust your creative power.

We don't dig up the seed to see if its growing. We trust nature to do its job.

Anonymous patriot red pill dispenser

Expand your love

Start with loving yousrself

Then love all within one mile

all within 100 miles

all in your country

all on the earth

all who have been on the earth

all who will be on the earth

Breathe deep while doing this

All is one

Anonymous patriot red pill dispenser

"One of the main rules, the one that you all are attempting to figure
out and put into being is the idea of thought manifestation that you are a result of your thoughts. That is the one that is most important for you to learn at this moment."

Anonymous patriot red pill dispenser

"It's all good..."

Theres more to this phrase than meets the eye.

A house divided against itself cannot stand.

Evil only has the power to destroy itself.

Evil can only exist in the lower levels of consciousness where it is a tool for learning what we want and don't want.

There is no power or satan that can oppose God.

All is one.

I't ALL good!

Anonymous patriot red pill dispenser

Imagination is powerful, especially when acompanied by strong emotion.

Imagine a world free of corruption where all people realize that positive actions make a better world for all. No big pharma profiting from keeing people sick, no big tech trying to divide us, no elite families trying to control government.

its coming!

Trust the plan.

We are the plan.

Faith in humanity.

Love your normie brothers and sisters.

Great awakening!

Anonymous patriot red pill dispenser

Take deep breaths of love and enthusiasm, like a child waking up on christmas morning, knowing good things are coming. 😃😃😃

Anonymous patriot red pill dispenser

5 steps to a successful prayer
1. Relax.
2. Recognize the infinite creative power.
3. Unite with it: "I and my father are ONE"
4. Visualize what you desire as ALREADY HAPPENING NOW.
5. Give thanks for it being done, and release the thought from your mind.

Before you pray, your mind must be clear so forgive any and all that have hurt you.

Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!

Real Patriot Shit!


Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!

We need to audit the IRS ASAP.

And if we can’t audit the IRS, we need to ask why.

These criminals have been using tax payer dollars to run their operations and they still expect people to pay them?

What a load of pure horseshit!


I solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution against all threats foreign and domestic ~ so help me God. 🇺🇸🦅 #WWG1WGA

The Lord is leading us all.

The System isn't just rigged/broken ~ it was built that way.

Anonymous patriot red pill dispenser

Want to make your life better?
Identify the most annoying person in your life and mentally send them love and forgiveness. Imagine them living their ideal, happy, healthy life.
You will then be attracting the same vibrations to yourself.
Do this regularly.