Genetxs LAB
3 years ago

Genetxs LAB

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In response Carole Parnell to her Publication

not what i heard about him

In response Genetxs LAB to his Publication

I love waking up knowing the earth is flat!

In response Miss Wide Awake to her Publication

😆 you are on fire today!

In response Miss Wide Awake to her Publication


In response JustAn Anon to his Publication

Awesome, now they need to do the cell towers.

In response Free Thinker to his Publication

I love flat earth Dave!

In response Miss Wide Awake to her Publication

Great info, thanks

In response Nikilas Graves to his Publication

I agree we must all return to Yah HalleluYAH.

We must all obey Torah.

Exo 23:13 And in all things that I have said unto you be guarded: and make no mention of the name of other elohiym, neither let it be heard out of your mouth.

Christ is a reference to Krishna
Mashiach and Messiah means anointed not christ

The Natsaarim were first called Christians, by pagans, in a pagan city as an insult.

Krishna was already being worshiped as christ and his followers still use the word christ when referring to Krishna.

Ex23:13 forbids us from speaking the names of other elohim(gods)

That makes the word christ unusable.

Just an FYI

In response Jimbo _66 to his Publication

He didn't blow up his condo in Florida either

In response Genetxs LAB to his Publication

You cant not be baptized into the death of Elohim or His Rauch Ha Kodesh. When Peter healed the lame man they asked Him how and he said its was in the Name of Yahuwshuwa Ha Mashiach, the same Name we are told to anoint the sick in.
I already showed you from 170 ad the early church wasn't using greek or latin, the Messiah told us many will claim to have done miracles in His Name but He will say I never knew you, meaning if you know someone you would know their name and if you know someone Name you know their character.

If you want the truth about Elohim this man's video are an excellent place to start,

In response Genetxs LAB to his Publication

christ does Not mean anointed, it is a reference to krishna, like it or not.
Mashiach/Messiah means anointed.
This should be a clue it's the other name. it's not even Hebrew so the early church who were called the Natsarim would never have used it because they know Ex23:13 forbids them from speaking the name of Krishna who was being worshipped for 3,000 before Mashiachs birth. Krishna is a trinity. Did you know the Mat 28:19 trinity baptism verse is the only place we are told to baptize in the name of the trinity, everywhere else we are told to be baptized into the name of the Mashiach only/ This verse was added to the end of chapter 28, it's pagan.

In response Genetxs LAB to his Publication

According to the Author Celus who wrote around 170 AD, and wrote in Greek & Latin said in one of his books that the followers of the Mashiach were very adamant about speaking Yahuwshuwa Ha Mashiachs Name in Hebrew ONLY, and that Greek & Latin would not work. This mans hated the believers and he wrote a lot of evil nasty things about them so read him if you want but be warned it not good. Do you know who Benjamin Netanyahu is? Notice the last 4 letters in his name? My friend the Messiah told us He came in His Fathers Name. In the Book of John, we are told He is The Word of Elohim, The Elohim of Israel, Hebrews who believe the world was created with the 22 Hebrew letters. He came in His Fathers Name, as told us another would come in his own name.

In response Genetxs LAB to his Publication

We know Elohims Name is 4 Characters
Yod Hey Waw Hey, we know people who came in His Name in the scriptures had YAH or YAHU in their names HalleluYAH praise be to YAH! There many other Hebrew words with the same letters as Elohims Name. His Name is YaHuWaH, He is The Almighty One True Elohim. He Sent His Word who told us He came in His Fathers Name. Not the name of who the greeks were worshiping at the time.The Natsarim were 1st called Christians by pagans in a pagan city as an insult. Why would it be an insult? Because Krishna the trinity male/female dark elohim was already called christ and still is called by both names to this very day, google it. So Ex23:13 forbids the use of the word christ.

In response Benzo Ben to his Publication

WARNING Link is a virus

In response Genetxs LAB to his Publication
In response Carol Ranes to his Publication

Have you heard of the Roman Author Celus?
He hated the followers of the Mashiach and wrote some nasty books about them, he was one of the harshest critic of the early church.
He stated they the early church only spoke the Kodesh Names in Hebrew and were very adamant that using Greek or Latin would not work. Celsus was a Roman who wrote both Greek and Latin and hated the early church. This was written around 170 AD
a lot closer than I am, and this man's words carried weight as he hated the Natsarim.

In response Dennis 369 to his Publication

Very True, I am actually in Ohio and work close to that place, it's odd the buildings are black, and reminds me of the black cube the Muslims and satanist worship.

Moses was the first person YaHuWaH revealed His personal Name to And Elohim outlawed using the names of other lowercase elohim.
(Ex23:13) God is the Name of a german deity, If you see that word in a "bible" the real word is Elohim, if you see LORD then it YHWY or YaHuWaH. and if you see the pagan names of Zues Krishna (jesus christ), its actually Yahuwshuwa Ha Mashiach (Yahuwshuwa the anointed)
YaHuWaH Name was revealed To him so he could invoke it to do the miracles and to intercede for Israel.
It's time again for His people to know His real name and that of the Messiah.
YaHuWaH saves, sacrificed His Son, His Word made flesh who formed Adam out of the clay.
The Mashiach Obeyed Elohim and laid down His Life and His name gives glory to Elohim for salvation, that is His true name. the false name jesus christ claims he saves, but that is just another lie.

In response Dennis 369 to his Publication

Not buying that narrative
Wexner is sick, His company sells nasty clothes for little kids.

In response charlie wilson to her Publication

I believe it's spelled Amein with an I.
Never amen, that means Amon Ra

Amen or Amein? The Hebrew of the First Covenant [Old Testament] reveals to us that the Scriptural Hebrew word (which means: so be it, or verily or surely) is "Amein" (Phonetic Spelling is "aw-mane") and not "Amen". Anyone can confirm this in Strong's Concordance, No 543 in its Hebrew Lexicon, or in Aaron Pick's Dictionary of Old

I personally write it as “Ahmein” – it sounds exactly the same as the phonetic spelling and does NOT ALTER the word, nor does it alter the pronunciation of the word!

In response Truth Be Told ❤ to her Publication

Reminds me of Gene Roddenberry's Earth Final Conflict.
That ship don't goto to heaven, it goes to the inner earth and the people are the food, not the guest.
we are already in heaven, it just concealed from our our vision.

In response Jason VanDerpoel to his Publication

He surely goes by our hearts, but some still don't understand it was YaHuWaHs Name being read aloud by Mashiach that made the people want to throw him off a cliff. Nor do they understand why after Peter said the lame man was healed by the NAME of Yahuwshuwa Ha Mashiach did they threaten them not to speak that Name. We are told to anoint the sick with oil in the Name of Yahuwshuwa Ha Masahaiach Of Nazareth. All who call upon The Name of YaHuWaH will be saved. It's the KEY the Lawyers (those who study Torah) Hid. Elohim says it's His Memorial, men say don't use it or you get stoned. Many will think they are using the right name and provide many different miracles as proof of the use of the correct name only to find out it not His Name. He came In His Father Name, everyone in Torah who has Elohims Name as part of theirs has YAH or YAHU in their name. If you call on the Mashiachs name you are calling on YaHuWaH and giving Him credit for deliverance. Jesus does not save YaHuWaH sacrificed

In response Jason VanDerpoel to his Publication

Exo 23:13 And in all things that I have said unto you be guarded: and make no mention of the name of other elohiym, neither let it be heard out of your mouth.

Our Elohim name is not lord, that is a tool of satan to hid YaHuWaHs Name.

God is the name of a German deity and a vain title used for all supreme deities and is forbidden by YaHuWaH our Elohiym to be heard coming out of our mouth.

The correct translation of Due 3:22 is:

Deu 3:22 Ye shall not fear them: for YaHuWaH ELOHAYKEM he shall fight for you.

In response Joyce Chandler to her Publication

Yet people are still buying AMC stocks

In response Free Thinker to his Publication

SO only the CEOs were evil, hummm,,, bullshit
The CEO of Disney wasn't handing the abducted kids of at Pedo World

In response Genetxs LAB to his Publication

Exo 20:10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of YaHuWaH thy Elohim: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:
Exo 20:11 For in six days YaHuWaH made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore YaHuWaH blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.
Exo 20:12 Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which Yahweh thy Elohim giveth thee.
Exo 20:13 Thou shalt not murder.
Exo 20:14 Thou shalt not commit adultery.
Exo 20:15 Thou shalt not steal.
Exo 20:16 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.
Exo 20:17 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's.

In response QLou BellaBoo to his Publication

The one statue that should be torn down, as it is of a pagan goddess ishtar aka easter aka queen of heaven aka nimrods wife mother and wife of tammuz

In response _d3nn @n0n to his Publication
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Visit Our YouTube Channel at HTTPS:// Monkey is a concept originally created in January, 2000 by Sean Sosik-Hamor for the automotive...

In response Lori Wright to his Publication

I blocked and reported link

In response Genetxs LAB to his Publication

I was taught all the same lies as everyone else, I am no better than anyone, and most likely far worse than most people