Friends, there is a special book written for those who think upon His Name. There are many biblical and historical proofs that His Name is not jesus.
Exodus 23:13 And in all things that I have said unto you be guarded: and make no mention of the name of other elohiym, neither let it be heard out of your mouth. This passage outlaw calling Elohim by name of pagan elohims/ mighty ones such as GOD.The English word god comes from the Old English god, which itself is derived from the Proto-Germanic *ǥuđán. Its cognates in other Germanic languages include guþ, gudis (both Gothic), guð (Old Norse), god (Old Saxon, Old Frisian, and Old Dutch), and got (Old High German).

According to Elohim Himself we are not allowed to use the name god when referring to Him. This is scripture, Elohims Word. If you read the Torah in Hebrew it nevea says god, its the Hebrew is Elohim when referring to the Almighty. GD Gimel Dalet in Hebrew is the name of a pagan elohim.

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We know Elohims Name is 4 Characters
Yod Hey Waw Hey, we know people who came in His Name in the scriptures had YAH or YAHU in their names HalleluYAH praise be to YAH! There many other Hebrew words with the same letters as Elohims Name. His Name is YaHuWaH, He is The Almighty One True Elohim. He Sent His Word who told us He came in His Fathers Name. Not the name of who the greeks were worshiping at the time.The Natsarim were 1st called Christians by pagans in a pagan city as an insult. Why would it be an insult? Because Krishna the trinity male/female dark elohim was already called christ and still is called by both names to this very day, google it. So Ex23:13 forbids the use of the word christ.

According to the Author Celus who wrote around 170 AD, and wrote in Greek & Latin said in one of his books that the followers of the Mashiach were very adamant about speaking Yahuwshuwa Ha Mashiachs Name in Hebrew ONLY, and that Greek & Latin would not work. This mans hated the believers and he wrote a lot of evil nasty things about them so read him if you want but be warned it not good. Do you know who Benjamin Netanyahu is? Notice the last 4 letters in his name? My friend the Messiah told us He came in His Fathers Name. In the Book of John, we are told He is The Word of Elohim, The Elohim of Israel, Hebrews who believe the world was created with the 22 Hebrew letters. He came in His Fathers Name, as told us another would come in his own name.

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In response Genetxs LAB to his Publication

christ does Not mean anointed, it is a reference to krishna, like it or not.
Mashiach/Messiah means anointed.
This should be a clue it's the other name. it's not even Hebrew so the early church who were called the Natsarim would never have used it because they know Ex23:13 forbids them from speaking the name of Krishna who was being worshipped for 3,000 before Mashiachs birth. Krishna is a trinity. Did you know the Mat 28:19 trinity baptism verse is the only place we are told to baptize in the name of the trinity, everywhere else we are told to be baptized into the name of the Mashiach only/ This verse was added to the end of chapter 28, it's pagan.

In response Genetxs LAB to his Publication

You cant not be baptized into the death of Elohim or His Rauch Ha Kodesh. When Peter healed the lame man they asked Him how and he said its was in the Name of Yahuwshuwa Ha Mashiach, the same Name we are told to anoint the sick in.
I already showed you from 170 ad the early church wasn't using greek or latin, the Messiah told us many will claim to have done miracles in His Name but He will say I never knew you, meaning if you know someone you would know their name and if you know someone Name you know their character.

If you want the truth about Elohim this man's video are an excellent place to start,

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