Free Thinker
2 days ago

Free Thinker

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In response walker Fast to his Publication

Soulless Satanic Reptile Scum!!

In response Kindred Spirit to her Publication

I'm glad there is a very special place in hell for them !!

In response Kim Donaldson to her Publication

Just like the vaccine has nothing to do with genocide??

In response Lauren M Bradley to her Publication

Roll a big joint !!

In response JOHNNY ON THE SPOT to his Publication

It's not the animals fault. It's the brainless demonic pieces of shit riding them that are the problem.

In response walker Fast to his Publication

False Flag Incoming !!!

In response LightHeartAnon • LHA to her Publication

Our Beautiful Flat Earth

In response Coug girl7 to her Publication

Secret Location = GITMO

In response COMMANDER VALIANTTHOR to his Publication

Moved To GITMO

In response Earnest T Bass to his Publication
In response COMMANDER VALIANTTHOR to his Publication
In response walker Fast to his Publication

Another narrative just to get us vaccinated.
Anyone who buys this must have COVID brain, shrunk to the size of a peanut.

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

When The World Gets Rid Of All The Satanic Pedophile Pieces Of Shit Then I'll Be Fine !

In response Robin Williams to her Publication

We Don't Need It, The Satanic Cabal Needs It...To Keep Us In Fear.

In response Briar Rose to her Publication
In response Stephanie Foster to her Publication

Because herbodyguard is a White Hat and part of The Great Awakening Plan. If he had come forward they would probably have found her and kill her for real.

In response NEO ONE to his Publication

This will make it September 17th because Jan and Feb were added later.

In response walker Fast to his Publication

The Reason Why They All Have A Black Eye.

In response Jay Bird to her Publication

Press the "Continue Shopping Button".

My bad !! Thank you for the correction.

In response Gayle Storm to her Publication

Still could not find the video, sorry. But this is a nice site to dig thru.

In response SJ. Rocks to her Publication

No, couldn't find the video that fast. Maybe I over looked it? Could you share the link to the video again, please?

In response L1GHTN1NG 5:5 to her Publication

And the ones wearing a mask. Bacterial Infections on the Lungs.

In response walker Fast to his Publication

With all the Luciferace in the vaccine will the penises then be the new 'magnetic glow-sticks'??

Exactly !!

In response Freedom Foxtrot to his Publication

Yes, it sound a bit like Get Her.

In response CSPOA JAMES to his Publication

We are just moments away from seeing the great picture.
Trump, Elvis, Assange, Tesla, Lincoln, they are all related.
The missing bloodline to fight evil.

In response Kay Tee to her Publication

It surely looks like it. I know that graphene in your body will pass the blood-brain barrier so maybe the bucket balls will also. It appears they are trying to change our natural frequentie with their graphene. The covid-vax is also full of it. Magnetic as shit. Turning us into zombies isn't that far of a stretch anymore these days.

In response Jane Doe✔️ to her Publication

DuckDucked him and found his YT page. Will check it out !! Thanks.

In response Robert Travers to his Publication

Thanks! I think we are all here in this realm to learn. Learning also comes from listening to other people even if your opinion differs.