Michelle Peterson
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Married. MAGA and Hopeful for this life to be back and great.

Married. MAGA and Hopeful for this life to be back and great.
In your face telling who she is.

Married. MAGA and Hopeful for this life to be back and great.
Fighting the good fight against "purrr-secution"

Married. MAGA and Hopeful for this life to be back and great.
Dude that looks like Glenn Danzig!

Married. MAGA and Hopeful for this life to be back and great.
You think?

Married. MAGA and Hopeful for this life to be back and great.
Cro-Mag Neandrathal with a touch of Zippy the pin-head. His wife is an illegal opportunist. She is a Jill Taco.

Married. MAGA and Hopeful for this life to be back and great.
Dude should be in a band..."Mutant Lump"

Married. MAGA and Hopeful for this life to be back and great.
The Q is in the chivas regal orb

Married. MAGA and Hopeful for this life to be back and great.
That's what Prince Harry will look like in 25-30 years.

Married. MAGA and Hopeful for this life to be back and great.
Greta is clearly a manipulated stunted growth alien-esque puppet.

Married. MAGA and Hopeful for this life to be back and great.
Cheste is the illegitimate son of Podesta.

Married. MAGA and Hopeful for this life to be back and great.
That's gotta be Jim Carey as firemarshall bill in that shot

Married. MAGA and Hopeful for this life to be back and great.
That is funny they are only survived by a lost member... "Comman-Dough"

Married. MAGA and Hopeful for this life to be back and great.
The squaling sounds when speeding were the brakes engaged. She was trying to regain control but the remote tampering was set. Why did the water bottle not melt? Her hair is in tact and she does not look severely burned. The "firemen" had no ppp gear on. Where is her oxygen and neck brace?

Married. MAGA and Hopeful for this life to be back and great.
That's a slice of chorizo!

Married. MAGA and Hopeful for this life to be back and great.
Winston Churchill napped plus he was portly...but he brought victory to England

Married. MAGA and Hopeful for this life to be back and great.
In exchange for keeping the names silent? "inmate talent show" that's code baby.

Married. MAGA and Hopeful for this life to be back and great.
STFU Fah-Wag.

Married. MAGA and Hopeful for this life to be back and great.
"I'll knock the dust off that swamp"

Married. MAGA and Hopeful for this life to be back and great.
So many Damn Slimeball politicians. If not insider trading it's skimming. Get these grifters out.

Married. MAGA and Hopeful for this life to be back and great.
Adds up to 33

Married. MAGA and Hopeful for this life to be back and great.
If you think about it it looks like the boring machines for DUMBS. (And trafficking as well)

Married. MAGA and Hopeful for this life to be back and great.
In addition notice the rhinestone triangles below the obvious ones.

Married. MAGA and Hopeful for this life to be back and great.
What would happen if Hunter got Natalie Pregnant?

Married. MAGA and Hopeful for this life to be back and great.
LOVE THIS! I have a Challenger but it's a RED one...There is a gas station that I frequent that has PURE GAS NO Ethanol...I get GREAT gas mileage...Corn does NOT belong in our tanks!

Married. MAGA and Hopeful for this life to be back and great.
Corrupt entitled snobby dirtbags. Where is his mugshot? Are they all...Paul, Nancy and Gavvy going to French Laundry after the araignment?

Married. MAGA and Hopeful for this life to be back and great.
What about "Let's dance by Bowie....

Married. MAGA and Hopeful for this life to be back and great.
Ladybugs is a traitor supreme!

Married. MAGA and Hopeful for this life to be back and great.
Dude is a douche..Pedo theif of intellectual property. NO MEDICAL CREDENTIALS yet what he says goes? Oh NOES! Monkey POX is his next vacc gig....Fauchi is a DEMON doing molochs (small letters intended) bidding. Where is Ghislanes "Black Book" of names? Will HellBeast have her offed in prison? Thank GOD everything is being exposed and thANK god PEOPLE AS YOU ARE PART OF IT!

Married. MAGA and Hopeful for this life to be back and great.
F-Floyd and F-Oblame-er

Married. MAGA and Hopeful for this life to be back and great.
Why don't all these elitist fossils go first? Pelosi, Mitch, etc...