Don Cheeks
3 years ago

Don Cheeks

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Hard working man, love my country, even with it's faults, US Navy veteran

Hard working man, love my country, even with it's faults, US Navy veteran

Father God,
Lord Thank you for our White Hats and the patriot's, our policemen and woman, Firemen and EMTs. Lord I ask with my whole heart that you place a hedge of protection around them and allow them to do their jobs with ease and go to their loving homes. Lord, we have seen that some in our Government are causing undue harm to each race of people, Lord I ask that you bring us together against those who would choose to divide us. Lord allow us to rebuke this evil plan and love our fellow man, soften the hearts of those who are angry and let them see your awesome plan. We have walked the fire it's burnt our feet yet we have your love your grace and your glory and your mercy. Lord be with the people in the middle east and Lord protect the innocent lives of the people that are in this battle. Lord, I thank you for the wonderful gift that you gave so mercifully, your son, the greatest gift you have given to mankind.

Hard working man, love my country, even with it's faults, US Navy veteran

Hard working man, love my country, even with it's faults, US Navy veteran

Hard working man, love my country, even with it's faults, US Navy veteran

Hard working man, love my country, even with it's faults, US Navy veteran

Hard working man, love my country, even with it's faults, US Navy veteran

Hard working man, love my country, even with it's faults, US Navy veteran

So we are eating at Cracker Barrel this morning. There are 4 officers behind us eating. And this middle aged black man came over and asked for their tickets and said he was paying for their meals. He would no’t take no as an answer from them. He then thanked them for their public service and wished them a safe day on the job. Every officer stood up and thanked the man while shaking his hand.With all the craziness in the world right now, all the hatred and people being divisive. It’s a good thing to see stuff like this. It’s also a good reminder that we are all human and not to ever judge anyone by their uniform or skin color.

Edit: to say this was in Pell City, Alabama.

Hard working man, love my country, even with it's faults, US Navy veteran

Hard working man, love my country, even with it's faults, US Navy veteran

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Hard working man, love my country, even with it's faults, US Navy veteran

Hard working man, love my country, even with it's faults, US Navy veteran

Hard working man, love my country, even with it's faults, US Navy veteran