5 days ago


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one world undivided with liberty and justice for all

Brush off the dust
We are sacked daily with the falseness of self, reinforcement of of lower entity riddled living. Under that dust and deception in all of us is a power that is one in source, an un paralleled joy, an ecstasy of breath. Yet we are immersed in lower spirit blockages removing our sight.

lets rewind before these lower entities decided it was snack time, in your last moments of being free of all this at 11 yrs old and younger. Lets ponder that absence of all worldly spirits a good long while and allow our minds eye to move to the higher space where that is still the case, going deep through our hearts in the spirit and up into the place you never left and was only obscured because a system of rule mandated a pile of garbage that blocked your view.

There are ways you can excommunicate yourselves but that involves blood rituals you havent done, which means the only thing barring your return to self and oneness in creations power is everything you brought in of the world

one world undivided with liberty and justice for all

extreme kinetic events are close, lets hope you dont lose your shit over it. this is a spiritual litmus test. are you in your domain as one in Christ or does the world own you entirely?

Remember, the Bible says the devil shall rule for 42 months. June is the 42nd month since “Biden” took office….

In response Dale Bradburn to his Publication

In the building trades (40yrs. ago) would buy 'Corcoran Jump Boots' same as the Army Paratroopers wore. When the first year was nearly in and the shoemaker was next my Dad suggested resoling w/leather and I never knew how brilliant it was at the time. Did that for over ten years. Thanks Dad.

💡🔮Ask anyone how far away is the Sun?
'Ninety-three Million miles' will be the chorus.
How did that happen?
A bigger, fatter lie has never been, and that we NEVER question the absurdity tells us plenty.
The 'Heliocentric' model of our entire world is horribly flawed, and Universities will pay a huge price for propping this farce up since the last reset.

Every picture or video you've seen from space came from Nasa or one of their many minions.
Their budget ($60,000,000 a day) has Produced the movie we watch still today, and it's ALL fake.

This bothers me, that we were lied to about heroic men and women, and then they went along w/the whole shit show. For what? And that pisses me off.

Since I no longer tolerate being pissed off I find the respite I need knowing NOTHING can stop what is coming. Plants watered, critters fed, bring it.⏰

Not a scientist, nor do I claim to be one...T-shirts, blue jeans, baseball hats and beer...Stealer of fine memes...Frequent F-bombs 😬🤣

All things JFK Jr. Am not him. ;) Also on TS. This page does not believe JFK is still alive. But Jr. might be. Time will tell. Enjoy!

JFK and Jackie met on Q Street.
3419 Q Street in Georgetown in DC
And 3+4+1+9=17/Q

💡🚬🔎 Local Talk Radio has played a large part in my life and both the morning and afternoon jocks on-air today seem to be harmless, but are they?

Misprision of Treason tells us that spreading disinformation, or withholding truth provides aid and comfort to the enemy. That they behave as though they don't have the internet is now laughable, and we know this cannot continue.

I wish no one ill will but this must be addressed. They let us down and it cannot happen again. It's good to know that nothing can stop what is coming...⌛.