Jamie Designs
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Patriot, mom, researcher, knitter, artist, sourdough bread maker, DIY

Patriot, mom, researcher, knitter, artist, sourdough bread maker, DIY
That's good!

Patriot, mom, researcher, knitter, artist, sourdough bread maker, DIY
Interesting! Thanks and sorry you guys were sick too. The first time, then in January I had a buzzing in my foot for awhile after. I noticed it again after this time slightly. Maybe wifi? That was strange. I'm like that too- not usually getting sick but have allergy/sinus. My husband also didn't get it the first time. My 4 year old had a fever and that seemed like all. My daughter didn't get it but she had been sick a few weeks earlier like her immune system worked for itself and kept her well like nature intended.
And Doc, you are right. I visualize a flow chart of staying away from the hospital keeps you safe.
I've noticed a lot of good info on black seed oil as an alternative treatment to ivermectin. I've been taking it. It seemed to help cough and sore throat taken with honey.

Patriot, mom, researcher, knitter, artist, sourdough bread maker, DIY
Yes, my son and I were sick December 2019 and the neighbor girl had pneumonia before us. I had head and sinus pressure, random area leg pains and joint pains, fatigue. I treated with hot tea, lemon, vitamins zinc, elderberry, D, vitamin a (plus ate organic chicken liver which I think helped me get well faster), b12. The other family members did not get it but my mom thinks she did. She's in her 60s. I just had something similar again. Never got a test. Acoording to Dr. Malone you can't get it twice. Well I had been around my mother in law who has had 2 vacs. I told her not to get it and she hid it from us, confidently kissed all my kids, and got us sick last year too.

Patriot, mom, researcher, knitter, artist, sourdough bread maker, DIY
From what I've been seeing on telegram channels is movies are being cancelled this weekend, and this may be the "movie" for all to see. No one seems to know what it is.

Patriot, mom, researcher, knitter, artist, sourdough bread maker, DIY

Patriot, mom, researcher, knitter, artist, sourdough bread maker, DIY
My grandpa taught me this when I was a kid! I find it ironic to this time we're in. I still remember.

Patriot, mom, researcher, knitter, artist, sourdough bread maker, DIY
thank you! I will have a look at these!

Patriot, mom, researcher, knitter, artist, sourdough bread maker, DIY
All of this awful! I hope things turn around soon so kids are not left without parents.

Patriot, mom, researcher, knitter, artist, sourdough bread maker, DIY

Patriot, mom, researcher, knitter, artist, sourdough bread maker, DIY
I've looked into 5d a bit lately. I would like to know more about this too. I will look into it more. I'm curious too. My husband and I both saw this one. It seemed to be a fast ball in one direction. I didn't think I had any extra awareness at that time, but always wondering what's more to know. From a religious/spiritual background.

Patriot, mom, researcher, knitter, artist, sourdough bread maker, DIY
I saw a blue one that turned orange at least 13 years ago when driving on the highway. It was near a guardrail and it was raining. I thought it was caused by tornado and electricity with the guardrail, because I think we had a tornado watch around then. I also saw an orange fireball fall from the sky over 20 years ago in a rural area at night.

Patriot, mom, researcher, knitter, artist, sourdough bread maker, DIY

Patriot, mom, researcher, knitter, artist, sourdough bread maker, DIY
Next, what about mold illness? They want us to stay in our homes, but don't talk about how to clean our environments, keep masks clean so mold spores in the home or car can attach to the masks, after you breathe wet air into them, after kids put them on with food particles after eating, etc. Gatherings where people get 'covid' could be from gathering in the same moldy building. How homes with mold never get condemned, and keep being sold. Insurance doesn't cover it. Because the gov't would be responsible for rebuilding most homes... the manufactured weather that causes these problems... many rainfalls are like hurricanes lately, but it's just called 'rain'. Wuhan has flooding issues... mold ruins the immune system. Adding emfs multiplies the mold in buildings and in your body 800x!!! When someone I know had a thrush infection and went to the doctor, the DR acted like that can only happen if you have aids. Candida in the body... mold, unhealthy gut bacteria from antibiotic, glyphosate.

Patriot, mom, researcher, knitter, artist, sourdough bread maker, DIY
In the 90s they introduced glyphosate in our foods and folic acid in wheat, pasta, bread products. Do you wonder if they have created the "perfect storm" for us to be unhealthy? One pubmed article links diabletic neuropathies in people who consume folic acid. Folic acid is the fake form of folate. Folate is necessary in proper form in the body to enable the body to detoxify chemicals. Many people with mthfr mutations cannot detox properly, and need the active foem of folate. The folic acid is like a wrench in the cog wheel stopping the process of detoxification, conversion of SamE, snd many other complicated processes. Then you give your baby the bad genetics that impair their detox, not enough folate, plus your bad gut bacteria and toxins. Fetal alcohol syndrome is from alcohol consumption depleting folate in the first few weeks of gestation. Babies can be born with fetal alcohol syndrome simply from lacking folate. Notice midline defects like tongue tie, causing breastfeeding failure

Patriot, mom, researcher, knitter, artist, sourdough bread maker, DIY

Patriot, mom, researcher, knitter, artist, sourdough bread maker, DIY

Patriot, mom, researcher, knitter, artist, sourdough bread maker, DIY

Patriot, mom, researcher, knitter, artist, sourdough bread maker, DIY
Noah Pozner... Jewish actor?

Patriot, mom, researcher, knitter, artist, sourdough bread maker, DIY

Patriot, mom, researcher, knitter, artist, sourdough bread maker, DIY
That is shady.
Now I see they had 9 kids, so she probably wasn't born yet on this photo.
Here's a link to many pics of her and others... this has got to be a huge case with all the people she was connected to. I wonder why Trump and Melania were in so many pics with her. I know there are explanations... Barbara Walters, Harvey Weinstein, Martha Stewart... once these things get declassed... just imagine.

Patriot, mom, researcher, knitter, artist, sourdough bread maker, DIY
interesting... it says she was the youngest... I wonder is she a he?

Patriot, mom, researcher, knitter, artist, sourdough bread maker, DIY

Patriot, mom, researcher, knitter, artist, sourdough bread maker, DIY
Really proving a point by showing more violence... idiots

Patriot, mom, researcher, knitter, artist, sourdough bread maker, DIY
good find!

Patriot, mom, researcher, knitter, artist, sourdough bread maker, DIY
What if Rosenbaum is referencing Rosenstein in the qposts with relevance to now? It was a 1/2 year delta May 10 2020.

Patriot, mom, researcher, knitter, artist, sourdough bread maker, DIY
I know what you mean. Ghostezra said it's a FF. I'm really hoping the answer is "exposing Soros" for sending in these criminals. That would be so cool. Because maybe the bricks appeared to "show" the people- because similar things were dropped at the Capital in DC.

Patriot, mom, researcher, knitter, artist, sourdough bread maker, DIY
I know. That's why this has to be an alterior motive. To get us to think deer are dying, to infect us with something they are putting in the deer, to keep us from eating meat... like the World Economic Forum wants. Are they poisoning the deer?

Patriot, mom, researcher, knitter, artist, sourdough bread maker, DIY

Patriot, mom, researcher, knitter, artist, sourdough bread maker, DIY
I agree! I think I had this in December 2019. Neighbor girl had pneumonia, and my son came home not feeling well. I thought my son was sick from a huge fruit punch drink and snacks he got from his bowling club. Sugar takes vitamin D away and lowers immunity for up to 8 hours. I ate a lot of chicken livers and took vitamin a, d, zinc, and drank hot tea. I had the worst joint pains and sinus pressure for a few days and I was fine. There's something good about black tea too.

Patriot, mom, researcher, knitter, artist, sourdough bread maker, DIY
thymoquinone... has quinone in it! Use with zinc to push into the cell. I take it and I've found articles that it's useful for covid (whatever THAT is...)