Rebel MacB
3 hours ago

Rebel MacB

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A born Rebel, Wild & Free

In response USCG VET to his Publication

I am in Arizona and here it is nearly four years later and I have yet to receive the ballot I was told was mailed to me on October 7th, 2020, . . . 🤔

I just keep reminding myself that we are 'watching a movie.' Then I have nothing to stress or worry about, no reason to get upset.

In response USCG VET to his Publication

So I just read it is a toxin, found in many foods as it can withstand processing. It does affect the kidneys and other organs but I cannot find it is the direct cause for dehydration. FYI.

In response USCG VET to his Publication

IDK about this 'toxin' but I do know that caffeine is considered a diuretic.
Now I am curious about this. (I don't drink coffee, BTW, but I do drink quite a bit of tea.)

In response Jimbo _66 to his Publication

When the Paw-paw fruit tests positive for Bird Flu with the PCR test, 'then and only then' will I take it seriously, . . .

In response LanieLou _MAGADonian to her Publication

This needs to be shared all over. Gee. I wonder how many evil white people use their products? I certainly hope they no longer use white people in their advertising.
BTW: Clairol is their parent company, who also bought out The Body Shoppe. (and probably other cosmetic companies.
White folk can crash their company. . . . just sayin'

In response Spear Header3 to her Publication

Way To Go!
I read the post without seeing who wrote it!
I went back to read it and SURPISE!
Not surprised!

I feel the same. I do not support either side. Plus, what 'news' are we really to believe? I choose just not to talk about it or bring the subject up. Due to 'propaganda' though, I can see how both sides feel about the situation. If I am unable to fully discern the facts, how will the normies be able to?

In response Robert Wakefield to his Publication

I never thought about it, but it's soooo True!

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

I believe this.
Besides saying 'we create our own reality' my spiritual teacher's go to phrase is, "As you are, the world shall be."
If one is familiar with our Torus field, what flows on the inside, also flows to the outside, then comes back around.

In response The Ultra-Minotaur to his Publication

It takes one to know one, . . . 👀

I agree.
It's gotten crazy, and thus far, 100% of all of these people who have 'inside information' have been 100% WRONG.
We were told "Patriots are in Control," and "fewer than 10 people" know 'the plan' in its entirety.
And yeah, this video is really funny!

I remember when his pal, Jonathan Gruber, when talking to a group about passing the 'Affordable Care Act,' told the audience that "They relied on the STUPIDITY of the American People" to get it passed.
Just goes to show what those on the left really think of us 'ordinary' folk, . . .

In response Robert Wakefield to his Publication


In response Jimbo _66 to his Publication

In all honesty, the illegals are not 'sneaking in.' The current administration is LETTING THEM IN with open arms, . . .

In response Pamela Pruitt to her Publication

If you are on FB, (although there might be some YouTube videos), check out Vera Anderson's "Tagamet/Benadryl Cancer Remission Protocol for Dogs-Vera Anderson"
My neighbor's son has used it on one of his dogs, and Vera, herself, has been treating herself with the protocol as she had been diagnosed with a tumor. There are lots of success stories on the FB page.
Tagamet/Cimetidine, was original developed in Europe as a cancer drug. One of its side effects was it also acted as an antacid, . . .

In response Lisa Groenewoud to her Publication

So what's preventing the ankle-monitor wearing illegals from cutting the things off once they get to where they are going? 🤔

Hell. The majority of the 'teachers' these days have no clue how to do any of these things. Most kids cannot read and write.
My niece did high school through home study, reporting to a 'teacher' once a week. When she had a question on her 10th grade math, he said to her that he 'did not know and can't she go home and ask her dad.'
That was a couple of decades ago. I can only imagine how much worse it is now. . . .

In response STEVE ENGR MAN to his Publication

Ivermectin is a miracle drug for many things.

In response USCG VET to his Publication

I would do some research on this. From what I understand, ivermectin comes from a micro-organism found in soil and wormwood (artimisia) is a plant. Both are anti parasitic but I do not believe they are the same thing.
Here is a link to an article about Ivermecting and also provides other natural alternatives, wormwood being one of them:

In response Joelle Clista to her Publication

Fresh cilantro is a great detoxifier. It removes heavy metals from the body. Fresh Parsley is also great for removing toxins from liver and kidneys. Marshmallow root. Burdock root. Dandelion root. All good for cleansing liver and kidneys.

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

If you find an older photo of 'king chuck,' before he became 'king,' and compare it with this photo, you will agree this guy doesn't look much like 'king chuck' at all. 👀

In response USCG VET to his Publication

I remember reading that in Europe, the 'distance' was one meter, i.e., 39.37 inches. Why were we told it had to be six feet? 🤔

In response Robert Wakefield to his Publication

The GOP 'thought' these people were the 'future of the Republican party' for the sole reason they were somehow compromised, and therefore, very easy to control. The ONLY reason.

In response Phyllis Diller to her Publication

He will most likely donate to Media Matters, Act Blue, as well as any of the usual George Soros funded 'charities' which means he is not really donating to charity. Not impressed.

In response Anchor Ace to his Publication

If, by any chance, someone is on Facebook, there are some cancer groups. One in particular in "Curt Graydon - Artemisinin, Fenbendazole, Cancer/Health Protocols." I searched FB for the bee venom and only one page came up that looks to be just a lot of ads.
However, the above page has tons of information. You can search keywords on the page, i.e., breast cancer, mellitin, etc. However, there are many different protocols on the page and, unfortunately, one must read through the comments as there is even more information both by the admin and people dealing with different cancers.
It seems a good approach approach has been to combine multiple protocols.
That being said, my husband was diagnosed a couple years ago with prostate cancer. Not wanting to go conventional route, we sent him to 'The Immunotherapy Center' in Tijuana, Mexico. You can check out their website and even call and ask questions. Not inexpensive, but he had excellent results and is continuing many protocols at home.

It's like the 'elites' calling for a 90%+ reduction in the population yet not one of those old farts has offered to be the first to go. Hypocrisy at its finest.

So, . . . Why don't ALL the climate change supporters and activists simply stop breathing?
You know, to save the planet and all, . . . .

In response LanieLou _MAGADonian to her Publication

ASPCA is in it ONLY for the Money.
A trainer/behaviorist with a syndicated animal help radio show who has a charity that helps small animal rescues, told us a few years back while out to dinner, that the ASPCA had just put $1 Million into an off-shore account in the Caymans.
Check out how much money their CEO receives and how much of each dollar earned actually goes to help animals.
They are evil as are PETA, and the Humane Society of the U.S.

In response John Burke to his Publication


