Study Profy
@studyprofyStudy profy offers a professional essay service by Study profy that ensures high-quality, original, and well-researched ...

Susan Taapken
@Suzy2sGod, Family and Trump. Conservative President Trump Supporter Veteran, Patriot. Zephyrhills, Florida, United States

Alex Graham
@ProudAmerican_MOEx-Military, God-fearing, freedom-loving, unapologetic, red blooded, American Patriot.

None None
@MUDDAware of enough lies that I am suspicious of every truth - and the truth does not care about your feelings...INFJ Sigma

Jeff Wuchich
@thewuch#MAGA Christian Counselor, Software Sales Executive, Ardent believer in the Constitution of We the People of the United ...

Cheri Lee KS
@CheriLeeKSI'm a conservative & patriotic Trumpster who lives in the Sunflower State of KANSAS, a pro-life Christian, reti...

Blenky mclapper
@BlenkyMclapperCombat Engineer was with 34th Sig bat in west Germany then 368th engineer in Manchester NH.

Sheila Abrams
@Peeved_PatriotNever believe anything more than 98%. 1% for new information, and 1% for the final piece, KNOWING. Ex-Nurse, Mom of 10,...

@RickNExcited to start over! WWG1WGAWW !!! One day I want to wake up and find myself living in the..... UNITED STATES OF...
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