Denise Guichon
25 minutes ago

Denise Guichon

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In response judith Kennison to her Publication

Not Andy Williams' son.

In response Jason VanDerpoel to his Publication

I am praying for you and your son, Jason. Please remember that the "new" children, such as your son, came in with more Light and more Love than we can even imagine. They are here to contribute to the new, light-filled Earth, but their time has not quite come, and like all of us, they are waiting. The difference is that they do not have the wherewithal to live in this dense, evil place - it actually harms them unless they learn a way to understand that they have a role and that their time is coming. They will blossom into themselves, if they can just manage to hang on. They have so much huge energy that they cannot contain it and the only way they know to expel it is through rage. That will change. What you can do is hold him in love, which I know you do, and talk to him about it, perhaps encourage him to meditate - long walks. I've spent thirty years convincing my two to stay to fulfil their missions, when all they wanted was to go Home. The nutritional advice is CRUCIAL, too.

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

😎Please refrain from generalizing. Not all educated people are zombies with zero curiosity. I was taught at an early age to think critically and, in spite of attaining a Masters Degree, I did not lose that ability. Same goes for my husband (PhD) and my daughter (MFA). We all still retain our critical thinking : question authority, question the narrative, question the money...however, we do have two formerly good friends, both with PhDs, who don't have a clue and who refuse to entertain anything other than the MSM narrative. Your point is made, but it's never a good thing to generalize.

In response Lisa Groenewoud to her Publication

I agree that these "fast food" joints are beyond evil, but part of waking up is taking responsibility for what you chose to feed your children. Figuring out what is best to feed the human body is part of that responsibility. Every food that nourishes our bodies is available from the earth. God provides everything we need for perfect radiant health, which is our divine birthright.

In response Lisa Groenewoud to her Publication

NOT CIA - a white hat! A very gifted white hat.

In response The Ultra-Minotaur to his Publication

I agree. My kids are both 40ish, not vaxxed and have never been sick. Perfectly healthy.

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

And with all my heart I KNOW it, too!! Thank you!

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

And with all my heart I KNOW it, too!! Thank you!

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

And with all my heart I KNOW it, too!! Thank you!

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

I love your post - the truth of it. I was reading through the eyes of my cousin, who is a staunch Trump supporter, but not particularly red pilled. I think that most people like her would think you were writing fantasy! It's going to be SO shocking for some people when the Truth is revealed, especially when we are called to remember the Truth of who we are: "INFINITE BEINGS of God Light"!! So wonderful!

In response Mandy ... to her Publication

Traditional Chinese Medicine is thousands of years old and takes into account the entire person: physical, emotional, psychological, etheric, spiritual. Western medicine treats symptoms - the goal is never to cure. Big Pharma funds medical schools and writes the curricula; medical students learn nothing about the whole person, nothing about nutrition or emotional wellbeing; basically, they learn to pedal drugs. There is also a homeopathic physician in France who, with homeopathics, has reversed stroke 100% in 100% of patients. Thanks for sharing your uncle's experience.

In response Miss Wide Awake to her Publication

While I agree that horrific and ungodly things were perpetrated upon young children by priests and nuns, the graves that are being uncovered now are not necessarily "mass graves". There were instances of death from tuberculosis, malnutrition and other illnesses. Those children were buried in the graveyard of the school and the graves were marked with wooden crosses, which over time deteriorated, making it look as though there were mass graves. I refer you to Dr. Scott Hamilton, Professor of Anthropology at Lakehead University. He is pro indigenous peoples and has done extensive research on the residential schools and their graveyards. Sauce, people, sauce. The truth is that we do not know how many of the recovered bodies died of illness and how many from abuse. Please do not politicize this horrific piece of our history; what we need now is healing and reconciliation through forgiveness and love and compassion. We do not need more division - we need unity.

In response Veronica Wolski to her Publication

It's really terrific that you were able to teach something important to Max. I would just add that, since there are patriots all over the world and we are all one, it's important to remember that many, many Canadians and British troops stormed the beaches that day and the toll on their lives was every bit as heavy as those of the US - and their courage was just as great.

In response Miss Wide Awake to her Publication

Chrystia Freeland's mother was hired by Soros to go to Ukraine and help him to set up his evil empire there. Chrystia has known Soros for at least two decades, probably more. She is of the same ilk as Justin Truedope, Bill Morneau, Garry Butts, Katie Telford - they are all on the same path of destroying Canada. They are all traitors.

In response Miss Wide Awake to her Publication

Yes, it definitely is the worst country in the world!

In response Miss Wide Awake to her Publication

Interestingly and horrifyingly, it was the frontal lobe that was lobotomized to "calm" people, usually women!

In response Miss Wide Awake to her Publication
