ADDiQt ***
3 days ago

ADDiQt ***

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All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?

Does anyone else here use Brave? Since I switched to Brave, I can only see maybe 5 posts on anonup before I'm unable to scroll any further. This is pissing me off and if anyone has any advice, please share?

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?

Summer solstice tomorrow...what do y'all think the satanists are planning? I think we're in for a nasty surprise.

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?

Can anyone recommend a sunscreen on the lesser end of the toxicity scale? I don't do sunscreen unless it's absolutely necessary and I've got a kayaking day trip coming up.

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?

Suddenly it all seems so simple. Sit a bunch of American citizens - different political opinions, life experiences, and religious upbringings,- down at a table (that part I've said before), and you'll find that we really all have the same goals and hopes for our country. We probably even have the same thoughts on how we get there from here. But people keep letting msm and govt officials SPEAK FOR THEM and that's how rabid division happens.

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?

Regarding the "1st avian influenza death" in Mexico

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@Joey (joey darktolight)- I hope you're here. I earned my first suspension on Twitter today so all I could do is read your post , I'm not allowed to respond. I'm praying for you like mad. You ARE NEEDED, you ARE IMPORTANT, and you ARE LOVED! I am also in a place where I have been kicked while I was already down for too long - it becomes ridiculous and makes you question EVERYTHING like, when will something, anything go right for me?! It's maddening because you don't deserve it and it gets near impossible to believe that it'll turn around. But I believe with every cell in my body that it WILL turn around. There's no way we fight this hard for this long and get kicked & kicked in our private lives till there's almost nothing left & the universe/God/higher power not lift you up at some point. I know you're reeling and I know I've said nothing you haven't heard over & over & I'm sorry I can't give you more but PLEASE, hold on. Please.💗💕

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?

Help? I'm on a high dose of antibiotics (post surgery) and my stomach is FUCKED. I have started probiotics but I'm hoping to find some fairly immediate relief for my stomach... anyone have suggestions?

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?

I had to make a tough decision on Monday - I had to decide whether to trust doctors in a hospital or continue on in constant pain, not knowing if I was risking my life. Turns out, my gallbladder was SEVERELY infected and had to be removed. I cried for most of the 3 days I was there because I was so scared they'd kill me. They didn't and I'm very thankful. I asked a lot of questions and said no to things I wasn't comfortable with (including the 5am absolute bitch of a woman that came in rudely every morning to take more fucking blood. She's "been doing this for 10 years and people tell her they don't even feel it" Yeah, tell that to my left arm that's bruised up to my shoulder. Cunt). I still don't trust the medical community in the end. But I am thankful...this time.

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?

Anyone who has used chlorine dioxide - Im going to be using it to get rid of parasites & I know how to mix it for a dose. I need to know how many doses over what period of time. I don't think it's something that's good to take daily/indefinitely. 2x a day for a week? More? Less? Any advice?

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?

People are trying to convince you that the WHO has abandoned or diluted the pandemic treaty and this appears to be bullshit. DO NOT STOP FIGHTING!!

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?

People are trying to convince you that the WHO has abandoned or diluted the pandemic treaty and this appears to be bullshit. DO NOT STOP FIGHTING!!

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?

The government is actively seizing and hiding patents for clean and free energy inventions. And they've been doing it for a long time. Great video link below - it's long but not at all boring. Not that I didn't know this was happening but this video drove it home.

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?

sometimes, punching a malfunctioning electronic device is the only fix.

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?

Please let these people know we see them!! Jake Lang and other J6 hostages need our help!

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?


All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?

Defund the fucking government

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?

I haven't done all the research on this particular site/page yet so I'm not claiming it's fully legit but I wanted to share in case anyone has more time to research than me because figuring out how to cut of funds to the us government is of the utmost importance, IMO.

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?

Thank you all endlessly!!💓

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?

Just because I have no one to talk to...
I've been so depressed for a couple weeks that I wish I could just disappear. This is not like me. Please help me Lord.

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?

It is time for us to stop waiting. No one is coming to save us. We must save ourselves! This is ESPECIALLY important for the upcoming eclipse. [They] are attempting to open the portal and make contact, possibly draw something out. If you sit around and "trust the plan" or wait for God, YOU'RE BLOWING IT! GET UP & GET SERIOUS!

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?

A lot of bunker talk lately. Popular opinion is the doom and gloom opinion on why rich folks are building them and yeah, Im not saying they're wrong. I *would*, however, like to introduce another possibility as I have yet to hear anyone else mention this one - what if the people building these bunkers know that the lid is about to explode off the jar of secrets they've successfully kept for so long? What if they know they're about to NEED a "safe place" to run to when the truth comes out and WE THE PEOPLE come for them? Because it will and we are going to be coming for them. Just putting this out there because even though we're in absolutely terrifying times and logic says doom and gloom, that wasn't my first thought on billionaire bunkers.

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?

Please share this website with anyone who's interested in making sure the world knows what they did during COVID and beyond

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?

Anyone know if there's a place to watch Trump destroy the SOTU tonight BESIDES truth social?

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?

Anyone else noticing a sudden change of tune amongst libs? Just today, I've read 2 posts admitting we're a republic, not the "democracy" they've been trying to pass off as true for 3+ years.

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?

Among the executive actions taken by resident shit stain in his first 100days, I found this one quite interdasting considering I've read several attempts to make measles the current panic. Measles are not a deadly pandemic. Kinda like covid

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?

Among the executive actions taken by resident shit stain in his first 100days, I found this one quite interdasting considering I've read several attempts to make measles the current panic. Measles are not a deadly pandemic. Kinda like covid

All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?