Matthew Davis
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I am who I am.

Are you tired of winning yet? The climax of this movie is incoming. Watch Arizona.

Are you tired of winning yet?

CIA filters the news!

FAKE NEWS. Stop watching MSM.

You are the Shephard watching the flock. Red pill those that need a little help. Most have been programmed and do not know it. "PROJECT MOCKINGBIRD." TELEVISION PROGRAMMING.

Watching CPAC 2021. Getting ready for Trump.

Wow. The Best is Yet to Come. This movie has me on the edge of my seat. Scotus? See the Black Hats yet? Military in control. Watch for FF's.Deep State in panic. They go after 2nd. 2nd protects the 1st.

Buckle your seatbelts. Febuary is going to be wild.

Get the popcorn ready. Tomorrow is a new day.

Good to be here. Hope I get hear from other Patriots.