This is the MMR vaccine (one of the many that injured my son) package insert that comes with the vaccine vial showing adverse reactions, references & warnings (not even ingredients).
Can someone point me to the COVID vaccine package insert? In all my asking around, nobody has seen it.
You can access all other package inserts here:
ANdON ANdON We Go ~The Best Is Yet To Come ~ Family Is Everything ~ Mind/Body/Spirit Health
Mind blowing that more/most don't question the ingredients of vaccines, and are oblivious to their package inserts.
God bless you and your son!
I hear they are not disclosing what's in the covid vax. In today's age, we can look up what's in the shots much more easily than 30 yrs ago. Foolishly, we trusted drs..and may still do. They do not know the history of vaccines, or drs, or the rockefeller...not that's a history lesson!