Juan O Savin.......BSing Out of his neck! EXPOSED!
For sure this fat ass Freemason Liar deceiver is NOT JFK Jr.!
Juan O Savin* Flat Earth Is A DARPA Tracking Project Targeting The Alternative Community * A Manufactured Distraction * The Art Of The Illusion
I can tell you for sure its not a DARPA Tracking project! 😂 😆
It could be he is talking about the Flat Earth Society on YouPoop....
That one Is a Deep state Cabal BS!
[Juan] [promotes] Phil Godlewski another fat ass liar and deceiver!
This Juan character didn't do any research only talk [all] with no proof only brainwashing the masses with his hours BS talk!

Red-pilled and mind-blown by Eustace Mullins books, once upon a time... One foot down the rabbithole, one foot on The High Road.
This fool is a TROLL with 'agency' vibe. Even copied my comment and used in a loop post. Not the sharpest tool in the shed.
You are right, the Almighty is watching closely now....