ALL terror attacks have been false flags to keep us living in fear and accept the loss of our rights. I watched this documentary and was so depressed to see how easy it is for them to fool us into believing that we have enemies we must fear. They'll do anything to keep trillions flowing into defense contracts. They also manipulate markets to keep oil prices high and are behind recessions and credit crunches to keep us on the labor treadmill.
Everyone needs to watch this to see the extent of the JFK plot and see how important George Bush was to their operations. Skip the opening hour on WWII, which ignores key points about why it started and makes Hitler into a puppet. Europ The Final Battle does a much better job explaining WWII.
Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick

This is another red pill video that was mind blowing to me. I can't believe I just found it as it, too, was axed. While "JFK to 9/11" would pop up every so often, this one, which also had high number of views and comments, completely vanished. I've searched for it off and on over the years to no avail...'til now. Very long... so good to watch in increments. Some complain about the loud music....but it doesn't last long and the info is stunning.

MAGA Patriot whose life has been turned upside down in recent days. The support and kindness I get here is incredible. Thanks, frens.
Thank you! Ill put it in the queue for tomorrow. It's going to be a long, boring day by myself.

This video, along with Pizzagate, was my wake up call. I used to post it all over Twitter. Then YouTube gradually cracked down on it. For a while they gave a warning about it. Next they removed all comments, and finally they axed it. People kept reposting it...and Twitter kept removing it. The original had millions of views. Can be found on Rumble too...and more likely to remain.

. I love GOD and AMERICA. Trump Kennedy Patriot. Me and Hubby retired. On Gettr @cathyldup.
Thanks for video, maybe more dots to connect. 😊👍🤔🙏🇺🇸

MAGA Patriot whose life has been turned upside down in recent days. The support and kindness I get here is incredible. Thanks, frens.
And although the documentary talks about the Rothschild family, it completely ignores the Khazarian mafia and the critical role that the Central Banks play in enslaving us all. Im not a religious person because i think the nature of our creator has been kept hidden from us. Of the three major religions, Christianity is the only one that requires followers to be non violent and meek, while the other two demand violence against non-believers. And the life of Jesus was a carbon copy of the life events of numerous previous deities like Horrus, Atta, Zarathustra, Buddha, Hermes, and Mithris.Many of them also performed miracles and rose from the dead, like Osiris and Tammuz.
My point is not to shake anyone's faith in their religious beliefs, but to expand the conversation and dig deeper for the Truth. It's easy to ignore facts you don't like and attack the source as a tool of the devil. But it takes a strong faith in God to try to understand the true reason for why we are here.

Took this pic in 6/13/2022 after seperating myself from some pretty evil people. Only thing I know for certain is that all motivation comes from either fear or love. Every other feeling/emotion can be easily categorized by those two emotions, fear or love. Fear is of the dark, it doesn’t know your strengths. Love is of the light, it does. When my thoughts are coming from fear, I don’t trust em. When I put passion behind these thoughts of fear/deception, whatever… I find the strength to move on. Realizing positive thought returns positive results no matter and the fact that our personal challenges are the raw material of authenticity, the cradle of wisdom and the wellspring of strength. I had no choice but to practice what I preached. Spiritual battles are real. Without positive thought and prayer we are stagnant and stale. I’ll be taking my gangstalkers to court for discrimination, harassment and theft. Free of fear I intuitively took this pic. Am free and grateful bcuz of God☝️