Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
Sorry ya'll Nana didnt have access at prayer time!
Please pray with us and then help us manifest a wonderful God Divine matrix for our children.
If we united together in service to our ONE God we can TOGETHER make this change.
As things heat up toward this precipice, please stay focused and help each other, remembering that once you also were at the beginnings of realizing the monumental lies we have been raised on.
AT SOME POINT we will all have to stand in God's authority together and just say "NO" enough of the lies and manipulation and take back our country.
Nana thanks my frens John John@wainthepain01 &@dennis1776 for the amazing artwork for Nana's prayer.
We sure miss you here John.
2 pics

8-4-22 JUAN O SAVIN Interview - Part One
with Amy Sever
402 years from now
the majority of Earth’s population
won’t be on the surface of the planet
they’ll be OVER the planet & traversing back & forth
living at the edge of space.
In the 3 Abrahamic religions — Muslim, Christian & Jew..
the promise is that they will be
as the sand of the seashore for #
& the stars in the Heaven—a physical & spiritual seed.
Those Guidestones are demonic.
they’re the devil’s own story—that's what HE wants for you
& destroying them means that
WE REJECT that entire premise.
That is NOT what God’s future is for us individually
or as a people.
I know the plans for you
plans for a future & an inheritance.
If the Earth needs help.. we build a better world
& get our butts up to the edge of space
& start building out
where God intends for us to go.

this woman has my attention.... lets increase the viewers.....i trust her..as I trusted all from many places.... I hunted from instagram FB etc.... told them we needed them....Ustava came to wego...didnt stay long...same as Jen Mac....but they were there....they must have seen us.... maybe bring this one to AU.....? freedom force battallion is gone..whats with that??? many have come....few remain....I can add many...wego and AU are regular ppl with a brain....I wonder.....are we not able to handle the top accounts???? or are we just super awake and dont need them.....not sure..... but had my thoughts regarding Zac Spaceshot hurk...and the rest of the kids....not saying they are other side...they are with us...just paytriots...same as praying medic...I dunno...I need to run some logi on this...they all popped up quick on YT.....2018......I debated about going live..but I would prob wind up suicided.....ex mil dont seem to last long....right@vincentkennedy? you know what I mean...

Q, patriot, holistic healer for humans and dogs. Certified in dogs. I'll speak my mind no matter what. Be nice or get lost.
she is a FAKE..whats wrong with you all..following these nutjobs...

what led you to that? Ive never seen her before. I will check her out more later and retract my post if i see something off..
Ustava...is who I am referring to.