Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
Sorry ya'll Nana didnt have access at prayer time!
Please pray with us and then help us manifest a wonderful God Divine matrix for our children.
If we united together in service to our ONE God we can TOGETHER make this change.
As things heat up toward this precipice, please stay focused and help each other, remembering that once you also were at the beginnings of realizing the monumental lies we have been raised on.
AT SOME POINT we will all have to stand in God's authority together and just say "NO" enough of the lies and manipulation and take back our country.
Nana thanks my frens John John@wainthepain01 &@dennis1776 for the amazing artwork for Nana's prayer.
We sure miss you here John.
2 pics

8-4-22 JUAN O SAVIN Interview - Part One
with Amy Sever
402 years from now
the majority of Earth’s population
won’t be on the surface of the planet
they’ll be OVER the planet & traversing back & forth
living at the edge of space.
In the 3 Abrahamic religions — Muslim, Christian & Jew..
the promise is that they will be
as the sand of the seashore for #
& the stars in the Heaven—a physical & spiritual seed.
Those Guidestones are demonic.
they’re the devil’s own story—that's what HE wants for you
& destroying them means that
WE REJECT that entire premise.
That is NOT what God’s future is for us individually
or as a people.
I know the plans for you
plans for a future & an inheritance.
If the Earth needs help.. we build a better world
& get our butts up to the edge of space
& start building out
where God intends for us to go.

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
When I was talking to Juan in Nashville I told him about my vision of JR showing me the new Tesla building that I have described here many times of platinum looking bans/floors with floors of light in between the platinum ban floors with many levels/floors.
He said no it would not be a Tesla building but it did sound a lot like the design plans he has for space stations that he plans to build soon.
Then in one of the very next videos he did he mentioned building the space stations, 3 of them.

As we've discussed, Nana,
Juan is telling maybe 9% of what he knows.
When he's free to reveal more of his knowledge
which is dazzling even at 9% — buckle up!
He knows ALL ABOUT about Space, Antarctica,
the Galactics, etc.
& as you say, has built 3 Space Stations.
This video is the first where I've heard him
underscore our LIVING IN SPACE
& he did it poetically & Spiritually, as is his way.
👇 Here's a bit more of that transcript, FYI,
that I couldn't fit into an AU post 🙏💞🌸
Kat Update: Juan O Savin – To The Stars | Operation Disclosure Official
This was such a gorgeous opening to Juan O Savin's latest video, I wanted to post it here to be sure everyone knew it was available. I don't know what else he said but he was on a role at the outset.
https://operationdisclosureofficial.com/2022/08/04/kat-update-juan-o-savin-to-the-stars/With regards to Antarctica, I'm a subscriber of the earth crust displacement theory which holds that about 12k years ago, Antarctica was at a very different latitude, much warmer than it is now. What we have to ask is, why are all the countries down there and what did they find? It sure as hell isn't for "ice cores" lol. The other question, possibly even more important, is why was Antarctica ice free 12k years ago? The answers to these questions go a long way towards explaining the current (seemingly insane) political climate.

Antarctica would have had to have been close to Equatorial to have been ice free 15,000 years ago. We can date South American civilization to around 15,000 years ago, which was the peak Cold of this current Ice Age, meaning that they probably didn't travel their from Africa... Unless Africa was much closer.... What if Pangea was more recent than reported?

Unless. The South American civilization could have arrived in their location over 200,000 years ago, during an additional Interglacial Period of thawing, such as this.

667 is a reference to the old neighbor of the beast gag. Romans 12:21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good
Good points, sorry for the late reply, just saw this. The Piri Reis map from the 1500's shows the entire coastline of Antarctica as it would appear in an ice free state. It is an open question how such a map from that period can exist. Some say the map is based on earlier source material but even that would be a mystery if one believes that Antarctica has been at the south pole for millions of years. Clearly at some point in the (relatively) recent past, Antarctica was at a much different latitude, recently enough to be fully mapped with good accuracy and no ice.

With you 💯 Ken.
I want answers to ALL these questions.
That will be so wonderful
& refreshing, hello!! 🤩❄️🌬️🌨️🐋