Q is my favorite letter!!!!!! I love my country, I love freedom..and I believe in spreading TRUTH!!!

I talked about Taiwan coming right after Ukraine... said it many times... this death cult is very predictable.... the are in the death rolls.... looking to start chaos so they can use it to control people out of fear... notice the media will ramp up throwing "nuke" scares out like its hot cakes... remember they have to tell us what they are going to do before they do it... and NO they would not use a real NUKE... watch New York.. that seems to be a target...and a few other big cities 2 in California and one in Texas and a few others.. for a total of 10 or so are the USA....it would be more like an EMP attack and make it look like a NUKE using the media to spread the lies like they did with covid remember how they used MOVIE footage to show hospitals with "covid" patients... ya i do ..mmhmm... don't fall for their bullshit anymore... they have used this method for far too long... this is the AWAKENING... remember: HEGELIAN DIALETIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Usually the most populated cities. NYC LA etc