@cowboyw2b noticed a few days ago the letters VK's name on TS
flipping back
Upside-down letters are currently still the same:
incen = 45 > 9
enne = 83 > 11
911 !!!
+ 9 11 > 92

“One cannot love without suffering, or suffer without loving.” Saint Gianna Molla
Is VK an american state national? I noticed his name is trademarked! :)

I've been trying to get on TS for months. no luck and no way to contact them for help, not a single user name i try is usable. it keeps telling me "user name taken" a y suggestions?

hmmm, can you try some really obscure then change it once you have an account? not ideal but it will at least get you in!
i just looked as well, and no way to contact them directly.

reflections are important...

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